Fixing something doesn't mean NERFING it! – Dead by Daylight

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This episode of GimmsRant we speak on the latest Mid-Chapter update coming to us next week and my gripes with these propused changes. Is this the end of Dead by Daylight as we know it? Let us know down below!

Patch Notes –

GimmsRant #103

#dbd #DeadByDaylight


📜Twitch Schedule: I stream anywhere Monday to Sunday 7:00PM – 10:30PM GMT U.K TIME.



About Dead by Daylight
Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught, tortured and killed.



20 thoughts on “Fixing something doesn't mean NERFING it! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. The more they mess with good perks like cob that were strong but not too op. The more people will resort the unaffected perks. Wouldn't it be an ugly cycle of nerfing and new things reaching into the meta?

  2. I think it's going to take Survivors some time to realize that Dead Hard is still good if you go for unhooks instead of being chased all game, Circle of Healing is still good (just requires half a brain cell which I know is hard to come by with soloqueue teammates), and Overzealous is insane especially in combination with CoH (although it obviously still has synergy with perks like Shadowstep too; the other boons are too shit to really use unfortunately.)
    Meanwhile every generator regression perk has been nerfed into the ground other than Jolt, and the only effective way to play the game is hit-and-run (or tunneling.) Killers who don't really play hit-and-run such as instadown Killers are going to suck a lot in the next meta. Leatherface is going to be so much worse (unless you facecamp) as is Myers, Ghostface, and (again) Hillbilly. Meanwhile Killers who do hit-and-run like Legion are going to be insane and guess who else is still good? Nurse and Blight, because they actually have the mobility to play hit-and-run or tunnel or camp or hard focus or do whatever the hell they want. And Killers near the bottom of tier lists like Trapper, Freddy, and Clown are also going to suffer, although at least Pig and Sadako are better.

  3. I still think the Hag change is a nerf. It’s more about how EVERYONE can get rid of your traps instead of JUST flashlight users. Currently, if you get into a match with Hag and nobody has flashlights, you need to trigger the traps to get rid of them. Soon enough, her traps will be getting wiped left and right, she’ll be just like trapper.

  4. I personally think Circle of Healing will be borderline useless in comparison to other perks like We'll Make It when you consider its' main strength was self healing. Blessing a totem takes 14 seconds + the time taken to find and get to the totem. The changed CoH will only save 6 seconds off of healing another survivor, and that's not including running to the boon area AND the "time debt" you've accrued from blessing the totem. If you are unhooking someone inside the boon so you can immediately begin healing, it will take 3 heals before you gain back the time you took just to bless the totem. You will literally be wasting more time moving into the boon to heal someone than it would be to just heal them where they stand.

    I'm a killer main and I actually hate circle of healing and think it's unhealthy for the game, but it should definitely have a higher healing bonus if they remove self healing.

  5. The Off the Record buff was one of the best perk changes they ever made imo. It helped address the tunneling situation that was and still is getting out of hand, revived a dead perk and also changed the meta in a positive way. Whilst it's impossible to get away with zero nerfs to strong perks, I think people prefer if things are buffed rather than nerfed. For example, since the gen kick meta is so strong, why don't they buff anti-gen kick perks like Blast Mine and Repressed Alliance?

  6. Crazy changes. I want to see how all of this plays out. The biggest things for me are the changes to Dead Hard and the gen regression perks. I feel like both of these changes will make killers play much more ruthlessly. Just like you said, I expect tunneling to get worse.

  7. I've seen some people saying that these small changes are the beginnings for bigger changes to come tackling gen speeds, but I just fail to see BHVR having that much thought and planning behind a big change like that. There is no way they would ever touch base gen speed enough for it to ACTUALLY matter, because it would be an ACTUALLY healthy change to the game and would ACTUALLY make the game more fun for both sides…but Survivor Mains would blow their stacks collectively.

    Also yes, this was done on purpose as a DeadBy reference.

  8. So they made useless : Ruin, Pop , eruption and now they make useless pain resonance, overcharge and Call of brine, what exactly are we supposed to do to reduce the gen rush?

    The cost of a DH nerf and Healing nerf was really making regression perks : dead perks?

  9. Once again we're seeing the outcome left from BHVR for insisting on catch22s in every facet of their development process. It's become a crutch mentality that they rely on – not because they're lazy, but because they're overwhelmed. They're lost in the sauce – no other way of putting it. They added too many perks that's now led them to not be able to address everything in one update.
    Add an extensive amount of time to the equation, as well as other perks still yet to be addressed – and you'll find BHVR chasing their tails and shooting themselves in the foot, potentially forever. DBD needs more 'rules' and systems to limit what perks can go with what. Trying to comprehend all the optimal builds, and balancing from that jumping point, is just a fool's errand.
    What they need to do is revise the system and come up with a canvas that is SUITED for all these perks – in a way that they can comprehend the impact that changes have, easier.

    They need to copy how table top games balance their games, and come up with a system that's similar somehow. Warhammer, D&D, Yu-Gi-Oh, MTG.. all have much more variety but much better balance. Example: – Warhammer 40k uses TAGS to make sure armies are made up of components with consistent TAGS. Something without a specific TAG to the rest, can't be used.

    BHVR just need to work smarter, not harder.

  10. I thought it was obvious, They want the game to be chase and skill based instead of gen kicking and infinite healing prolonging the game creating a frustrating experience which in turn leads to killers like myself quitting the game all together. Obviously right?

  11. Not really a buff for hag, sure it takes longer to get rid of the traps, but in what game is everyone bringing a flashlight in versus a hag? This means that everyone on the team can disable the traps not just survivors that luckily brought in a flashlight. So it may take longer, but now more survivors in the game can be disabling traps. Wouldn't call it a buff, or even a nerf really as the traps now act as a time-waste for survivors.

  12. The overwhelming issue here is BHVR/DBD are looking at this game constantly like it's a competitive game while stating it is not: so they're balancing the way Riot used to DESTROY the League of Legends meta by nerfing, nerfing, nerfing. They're effectively trying to control how players are playing, and this never works out in the end because Players can, and will, do what they want and make new "metas."

    They NEED to fix their SBMM. They NEED to add in Comp/Reg as play modes. And for fuck sakes, can we PLEASE stop with the random tile generation on levels? You know why other games don't' do this? Because it usually sucks.

    3-Gen Meta is boring for all parties involved. It is becoming a hydra situation where they "fix" one problem by creating several more. They're incompetent and Patrick, their Lead Dev, is PROBABLY one of the main sources of these issues if that Developer Q&A did anything other than solidify how out of touch he and the rest of them are.

  13. You would think that bhvr would understand the simple concept on how a meta shift works, I mean this cycle has existed in multiplayer games for decades and still they just don't get it, the changes in the mid-chapter update should've been simple, just tone down the meta perks or rework them into something interesting while not taking away that perks identity and since this game has I'm assuming 200 or something perks in total and most of them you don't see anymore why not just bring the ones that were left behind up to date so at least you have some variety for builds and such🤔

    Sidenote : I like how you added the IS THIS THE END? In the thumbnail, it's like a warning before the disaster, which makes sense because that's where this mid-chapter is heading to😆

  14. Fuck it I'm gonna play like comp everygame then if there taking away gen perks Tunneling is gonna be a most even otz said you have to tunnel if you want kills in this current meta


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