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Me and my friend always go for locker plays. This video is accurate. We loose 90% of our games when we mess around. Sad they are removing it
Time to gen rush
ScottJund has evolved. Oh my God his hair. New Pokémon on the rise.
They already have killer bots…….. its just trapper tho. IT works pretty well. It learns as you chase. you can make it do dumb vaults but then it will stop when it realises that slows it. The tutorial is decent.
i think people don't even realize that you can still do locker flashbangs since the immunity is only during the locker animation. you get that stun you wanted it's just not infinite so it's a win win lol
I mean the engineers wouldn't have to program the bots, they just dump all the data we've provided over the years in to the AI. The only plausible way of doing it is without perks. The combinations are 1 to the billionth power, that would be too much.
the whole good players already know the timing so nothing changes is wrong, the new timing is the .25 seconds sooner now it means you can start being blinded .25 second sooner as you pick the survivor up. if you can do something sooner you don't stick to the time that is later
Thanks scott
personally i like my friends idea on this which is that survivors shouldn't be able to use an item after getting an afk crow. that way if survivors do try to hold you hostage in double lockers, they can't as long as you wait a bit. This way survivors can still do these types of saves and its not just lightborn for free on locker grab animations.
you raise a fair point with the locker grab thing, but "just go chase the other survivors" isnt really that great of a suggestion for newer killers who have a hard time finding survivors.
The slightly easier flashlight timing is appreciated, I have 400 hours in this game and have not once ever gotten a flashlight save, that being said I'm not actively going for them every match but I can concur that trying to go for a flashlight save for a new player is probably not going to happen.
I'm going to miss that squad that ran into me and couldn't get the locker blind to save their life. It was quite funny. They were good natured people, and just wanted to have fun. I shook my head at them for missing it. Then when there were just two left, we took pictures standing in the portraits on the asylum. Actually the least stressful game I ever had.
Scott you be a bit wrong me boy, most of the killers already have AI and it's even included in the game, the "Terminator" cheating bots were utilizing the killer AI's that were already in the game and just giving them super speed and 500 perks
6:35 As a survivor I can confirm that a did this with a Meg once. 😳
The locker thing is just a JRM nerf. The rest of the game is the same for everyone else.
cool so basically i’m uninstalling
I think a funny thing to note about killer bots is we'll be able to see how BHVR expects each killer to be played which I imagine will be wildly inaccurate to how anyone actually plays those killers
Just Leaving works great if locker hopping is the first thing a survivor does the moment they see the killer, but it becomes a problem once commitment comes into play. Picture this: you've got a survivor on death hook in an area devoid of pallets who doesn't have enough distance to make it to shack window. By all means, they're as good as dead. They hop into one of the lockers by one of the doorways instead. If you leave them, you've wasted a massive amount of time. If you grab them, their friend pops up to get an easy save, giving them the easiest reset of their life and causing you to have wasted a massive amount of time. This could only happen with a VERY coordinated team, but the fact that it's even possible is ultimately the problem.
I agree with the locker point I probably will do gens out of spite when I play, hell I came back recently and I'm rusty as shit I can't even aim a flashlight after the alteration there a patch or 2 ago and among everything I don't think there is much to do besides play safe anymore, there is no reason to fuck around and it angers me that they went that route with it, don't get me wrong while I disagree with the locke change I do genuinely understand the criticism but it's just a shame BHVR remove the interesting aspects of the game(space billy my beloved you are missed) constantly, as a whole yeah patch seems good and bots are nice but I just wish BHVR would stop fucking with flashlights if it's not their mechanics it's their angles I don't like having to break my muscle memory every 6 months because these people can't decide if the beam should be straight, over the should aim left aiming right PICK A FUCKING ANGLE.
TLDR : Patch good, shame about locker saves and BHVR pick a lane
25 times i have been blinded at a locker and only 6 of which were "bully squads". Now I'm not trying to be mr special here, i'm just saying i'm thankful for the change
shit change
What’s the point of removing locker saves? Killers win for free when people force locker saves, removing all the fun
If someone dc's, maybe they can be replaced with a bot instead of disappearing.
Locker blinds were so dumb, the amount of games I've played where you have two teammates throwing to get one sick blind for their survivor compilation on YouTube
I was going to make a meme comment like I always do, but I have to actually say…
~2 months ago me and my buddies made a bully squad after not playing the game together for nearly 2 years, and our entire purpose for a full week was to bring 4 flashlights, use a coal tower offering, and all 4 of us hop in lockers and blind the killer until they DC'ed or we ran out of battery (that we would call out and switch players or plunder)…. and im 99% certain we went against a power hungry Dev, since 4 of us got perma banned after 1 match were the killer said "hope you enjoyed holding me hostage", meanwhile the 2 other mates that were also doing it are chilling with their hundreds of reports.
So hey, I think the community finally made them change it, just the same way they changed skillchecks thanks to almo. 😀
i want my account + skins back tho
I don't see that, they didn't remove flashlight saves, and there's still other ways to mess around, like breakout, boil over, flip flop, power struggle, mettle of men… players that just want to meme won't suddenly move to gen rushing…
What I really find annoying is that you can't turn on and off the flashlight in an agile way anymore, and this even makes your flashlight burn faster… I think the cooldown should be shorter.
Hi Scott,
I'd like to inform you that I get 5 man bully squads with 9 flashlights who spawn lockers on themselves when they go down and have teammates teleport to my location to locker save against me every single match. Even while I'm sleeping I am hiring an Australian to get on my account and continue this horrifying trend, so I for one am very glad this INSANELY OP tactic has been removed. Finally I can go back to family sharing DBD across 1000s of new Steam accounts to play against people who just bought the game in order to shit on their hopes and dreams. Because survivors are OP.
Great video, keep it up!
I think they should widen the window on pallet stuns too. Currently theyre just silly. I feel like theres no reason for them to require that much perfection.
On the games going faster 'cause the really good players will spend less time trying to fuck with you:
Good, as far as I care. While yes, I can and sometimes do win those matches 'cause they fuck around too much, it never feels good. Maybe it's just 'cause of how I am, but it does occasionally get to me that I just need to abandon them to their lockers.
I personally WOULD rather have them be busting out gens and getting the match over with faster. Less time I have to put up with them, less time to get into my next batch with hopefully worse players.
3:44 wasn't that a bug and not intended?
If flashlights are used right they can be very strong, losing killer in chase if they break a pallet or vault and can become one of the strongest items in the game depending on the matchup. EX: wraith, hag, Etc.
So Scott, the problem isn't flashlights. It's toxic players, and they should be removed. I agree.
Locker blind immunity is a good thing, screw bully squads.
I’m curious how this locker flashlight change is coded. If it blocks the blind action during the animation, then would flashbangs technically still be able to save from lockers since their blind is instant instead of a charge up? If so flashbang users stay winning
Nerfed. Locker Saves are the closest thing to permanent ds for anti tunneling, and the double locker issues could be resolved on a map basis
But they did make it baby friendly, so it's going to be much easier to hit flashlight saves.
They've already coded the killer AI, it's in the games files already. Earlier this year hackers started accessing it and making killer bots in public matches