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Welcome back to another Dead by Daylight – Funny Moments & Best Highlights video. This series contains the best funny, fail, epic, wtf Dead by Daylight moments and top DBD plays all submitted by the community.
Flying Hatch?! (Dead by Daylight Funny Moments Ep. 195)
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🎮 Featured Players:
ColdPhazon, iamcrazy__, xXEvoiaXx, bbekahh, hexy, Brainfaqkk, CookiesForPandas, Domme_xo, F33LZ_, Foxfire47, fscoz_, FunMouse, Gladiusblack , HOP3L3SSGAM3R, Janisnow, LizardSeagull, Mo2Ria, REMAiNS_TLV, SirKaktor, spokermann, sullimain, SwarmVII, theEuroxX, TheJC, TheRealChaosTV, Yemnee.
🎵 Music:
ES_Ride My Cadillac – Logan Rich
ES_Tycoon Takedown – Carvings
ES_You’re Not Hiding Very Well – Trevor Kowalski
ES_Baby Doll – The Best Ofs
4Gamers is a community compilation channel where clips are received from the community/viewers to be featured in a video. 4Gamers always has the permission to use player’s/creator’s content. If someone submitted your content without permission, mistakes in crediting or other inquiries please contact [email protected]
#4Gamers #DeadByDaylight #RandomMoments #FunnyMoments #EpicMoments #Fails
great vids, u guys make me feel better during this time
Muy gracioso el video,funny video😂😁
The Jake at the last clip was so irritating
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2:23 The Entity has possessed her.
Bruh who else hated when the girl auto clicked her flashlight after the flashlight save, acting like she’s a god when those are easy to do when you’re remotely decent at the game
Love when 4gamers uploads
Please stop adding basic bitch clips like "Oh wow! I was in one locker but the killer searched the other! Wowie wacky!"
You've legit shown us these same types of clips over and over again and it stopped being funny since forever.
9:19 that's toxic af
that Hexy ending is perfect. lol. sums up all my solo matches
That Legion turning to Claudette in the corner though XD
did she really have to flashlight spam the bubba?
At 8:40–8:41, I thought Seal's Kiss from a Rose was playing for a moment. I always watch these vids while doing something else so my attention isn't always clear
10 min and 5s, how sus
3:26 you want to waste my time?
Always look forward to these. 🙂 Thanks for accepting my clip 4Gamers. <3
Behaviour: Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors.
Me: 2:32 um no ma'am, I belive DBD is having a seizure
That is the scariest thing ive seen in my 3k hours lol
Wondering if that was edited or really happend like that lmao
It's the flying hutchman
Ayeeee I made it to the compilation !!
These clips were honestly a lot higher quality than usual. Keep up the great work!
0:47 smoothest move in DBD ever!
"Dude, go tf away! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!” that was funny af tbh😂😂😂