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26 thoughts on “FOLLOWING THE SURVIVOR RULE BOOK! ft. BLIGHT (dead by daylight)”

  1. I don’t understand the point Tru3 is trying to make. The “survivor rulebook” thing is a complete meme, not even survivor mains take it seriously, so this shows literally nothing. You’re making up a narrative that doesn’t reflect reality.

  2. Lol. Is there a killer rule book ? No SWF, DS, Borrowed, dead hard, Deliberate death on hook, deliberate DC, keys, flashlight teams, tea bagging, hatch play. I have zero sympathy for survivors. I’ve red rank SWF almost every game now and haven’t a broad range of killers with good perks. If I get Freddy, spirit, pyramid head etc into a good place perk wise I will happily use them. Game is completely survivor favored.

  3. I think rules frustration made him not even try on the last hook. Should have gone for another hook away from the gate, possibly could have made basement, possibly could have gotten at least one kill if the distance they had to run was greater. He knows this, he just gave up, a good effort with bad rules otherwise though.

  4. Dead hard is a very poor form of counterplay… it’s like saying Iron will is counterplay to spirit or clam spirt is counterplay to Doc. They do counter certain aspects of a killer, but theres no “play” involved. Using dead angles against Oni and blight is counterplay, using LOS obstacles against nurse is counterplay, triggering hags traps while she’s busy is counterplay. Deadharding a to pallet and dropping it is not counterplay it’s just a normal play. It doesn’t give you any added value against a specific killer unlike the previous examples, plus it’s on a cool down. Additionally, Blight is a good killer, but nowhere near spirt and Freddy levels of boring, contrary to that, he’s actually really fun to play against.

  5. I'm so glad you posed them because I didn't know 2-5 existed.

    The survivor "rulebook" consists of one rule. "Don't play like an asshole." Which basically consists of your "rule #1." (And is basically a rule for every game ever invented in the history of humanity.)

    It's not hard. It makes the game fun.

    The fact that killer mains have to make up an additional 4 rules so that it seems "ridiculous" is hilarious.

    OP addons are a balance issue. They're in the game. They make it not fun, sure. But they are part of the game. Some of them are assholeish, sure. They're actively antifun. Some of them are balanced just fine, so generalizing and saying "no iri addons" is a strawman. Camping, tunneling, and slugging are all actively things the devs want to move the game away from. You can see this with perks. Literally 3 perks that DIRECTLY counter these actions. Kindred, DS, and Unbreakable. Hell, I could name another half dozen perks that work to counter these actions as well. BT, Adrenaline, Tenacity, Deliverance, Flip Flop, Soul Guard, Power Struggle, Off the Record, etc. etc. etc. All of these perks counter camping/tunneling/slugging in one way or another. Is it any wonder many of them are considered meta perks? How sad is that that the most used perks in the game are the ones that were specifically designed to counter toxicity and to encourage fun play? Do you think that… says… anything about the game? About the killers who frequent the game?

    But no, killers have to make up additional rules to make this "survivor rulebook" seem like a huge thing because THEY don't want to follow a single rule of "don't be an asshole." (Yet when survivors play like an asshole they're considered toxic by the same killers.)

    The hypocrisy …. is hilarious.

    Also, it's not "don't slug." It's "Don't slug for 5 minutes while you look for the last survivor to ensure your 4k or while you try to slug everyone else." Which boils down to the 1 rule of "don't be an asshole." There is literally zero issue with normal "I have to go chase someone off a gen" slugging.

    Also, it was exceedingly obvious you were throwing. You chased nea around the OP bus for an entire gen, then felix around the OP main building for an entire 2 gens. You know better. You SAY better anytime you play survivor. "Oh that killer was smart for breaking off because he can't waste time around shack/whatever strong tile." You're blight, you have mobility, if you can't down them quick you move on. You applied zero pressure for nearly 4 gens. We know you're better than that.


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