For Some Reason The Huntress Got BUFFED

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Amongst alot of other new things coming to Dead By Daylight, The Huntress made the list of proposed buffs currently being tested in the All Things Wicked PTB. Faster movement speed, wind up speeds, and the ability to carry 10 hatchets…

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23 thoughts on “For Some Reason The Huntress Got BUFFED”

  1. I don’t agree with people saying she needed no buffs at all, playing Huntress on The Game or Borgo is very different then playing Huntress on Coldwind Farm, and that map dependency needs to be helped, I do think they overtuned her a bit here but I think some slight number decreases would put her in a good spot

  2. In regards to Huntress, I feel like this is designed for newer players, not experienced players. I'd honestly like to see some tests where an experienced Huntress player plays against the same team, on the same map, with original Huntress, and as PTB Huntress, and see how they perform, and then do the same thing but with someone who is new to Huntress. Something tells me that, considering Huntress was already considered a good Killer, the changes aren't actually giving experienced Huntress players that many more hits than they would have gotten with original Huntress, but that it will help bring new Huntress players a bit closer to the level they want her at.

    As for the new Invocation, it does seem like a big hit for not as much of a benefit, but I do see it having some effect with SWFs where the best looper takes it, and uses it early in the game, because as a Killer player, I'll admit that a lot of my early-game pressure is established by patrolling gens and listening for gen progress sounds to find Survivors initially and start chases. All gens having a little progress early game will force me to actually go and look at each gen, rather than being able to just get close enough to listen for gen progress noise and move immediately towards the next gen if I don't hear anything, costing me precious seconds that it's difficult to spare in mid-high MMR matches. And with all the second chance Perks and items that Survivors have, permanent Broken isn't as big a deal as it could be on higher-MMR Survivors, especially against certain Killers. Finally, considering how long it usually takes them to nerf ultra-powerful Survivor Perks (see: old DS, old DH, old MFT, old CoH, current FtP+BU), I'd much rather them start worse, and slowly tune it upwards, rather than the other way around.

  3. Giving you no mither as punishment for a whopping 15 charges on gens is wild. Especially when you already dedicated enough time to do multiple gens just to get those charges

  4. honestly too high risk for too low reward. 15 charges on all gens sure but that can easily be countered with the right perks and the trade off is you get broken for the rest of the game and the killer knows you did it exactly when you do it and if the killer is somewhat close to the basement you are fucked. also extremely inefficient since you spend what 3 minutes in the basement doing that? so yeah too high risk too low reward.

  5. The huntress buff is confusing until you realize that for the average player Huntress is difficult and unforgiving. The players that are really good with Huntress are gonna make these changes borderline OP, being scary with her before and even stronger now. She's slow and slows herself down so much just to use her power, which someone who doesn't play Huntress a lot will dislike. Aiming on her is honestly hard, as much as people like to argue otherwise, so thats why they gave her the basekit hatchet buffs. Her skill floor is just very high, much like Billy or Nurse, so they decided to make some changes to lower that skill floor and to make her more forgiving. The problem is that her power was balanced around highly skilled play, and isn't with these changes.

  6. Literally nobody asked for this, Huntress was perfectly fine as is. Wth is behaviour doing? Like am I the only one who thinks they should really drop the next chapter (after the current one) and just focus solely on making quality of life changes on already existing content? Minor tweaks/balancing changes, reworks, meta shake-up, chase themes, a ranked game mode perhaps, etc.

  7. The web perk shouldn't allow an audible cue when completed and it seems crazy that you would be broken the rest of the match while you spent a full 2 minutes in the basement to only get 15% progress on gens. The good thing is that the killer perk to see people in the basement will now be actually useful.


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