Forcing NOOB Hackers to use BLATANT hacks to win! | Dead by Daylight

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Forcing NOOB Hackers to use BLATANT hacks to win! | Dead by Daylight

Hey all it’s PotatoHuntress / Pinhead here I hope you’re well!!

Have you ever been so bad at a game that your small hacks couldn’t get you the win?! That you had to force the most blantent hacks just to stand in the same ring as a killer?!
I have 4 of these pathetic individuals in 1 SOLID video!!!!
Watch these hackers start off light and then be forced to crack it up because they SUCK hard at the game!!

If you are a hacker like these guys, you’re a pathetic piece of work!!

Enjoy these baby players forced to use hacks because they suck!

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44 thoughts on “Forcing NOOB Hackers to use BLATANT hacks to win! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. This is becoming a major problem with DBD now. The worst thing about it is the fact that Behaviour aint adressing it and doing fuck all about it. They dont care. slong as we keep plowing money into there shit ass game then they wont do anything about it. R,I,P DBD 2022

  2. As a killer main playing on asian server, survivors i often face are around 5% are actual good survivors, 75% subtle/not hackers, 20% total noobs.
    And lets talk about the hackers, about half of the hackers are players who know how to loop, but using subtle speedhacks to loop way longer than usual as if u dont hit the survivors before window in a typical loop, basically they can loop it 3 times before it gets blocked, if they did not make a mistake.
    I always see survivors who strafe left right constantly for no reason and still getting good distance, it is a good sign of speedhack.
    Ive also seen a streamer who uses moderate speedhacks but sadly the whole community is now either cheaters themselves or noobs to even care about it.

  3. I feel bad for players that get hackers on their team because they automatically get associated with the hacker or hackers and more than likely get reported too unless it's obvious they aren't with them like them being on console

  4. Surprised you thought it could have been blood pact at the start, the Feng was blatantly going faster than you and 1 they weren't within 16 meters of the obsession after healing the obsession 2 blood pact makes survivors only go 7% faster specifically so that survivors can't use it alone to be the same speed or faster than the killer

  5. Hackers have each other and some absurd belief in what their doing. To the victims of hacking, I empathize with you. You have the power though of thought and emotional regulation to not let it affect you. Don’t even think bout them or what their doing. You are a victim, but also a survivor if you move on. Obsession and negative feelings about their behavior and how it affects you just hurts you, not them. It’d be great if they had awareness or a conscience, but those things are out of your control. What you can control is how you react to it. And if you still feel negativity about it, that’s okay too, that’s your genuine and understandable perspective

  6. Feel and let go and if it’s bothering you an affecting your mental health, then recognize how you’re feeling and take care of yourself. This is a fun game, but If people are trying to ruin your fun, then move onto something else and enjoy your time there. That’s my two cents and I hope the victims of these hackers find peace. Love you all and I hope you love yourselves in the midst of this blatant disregard to how your feeling

  7. Now I'm not sure if this a thing but when he chases the Feng min if you look at the scratcharks she leaves they are sometimes spaced out like they couldn't keep up with her. Maybe it's just scratch marks being stupid but it's weird

  8. what's even more frustrating is that after he uses the most blatant hacks possible he's just there in endgame chat acting like he's the god of all people who won't get punished for using hacks cause he knows bhvr does jacksh…

  9. Wow, the second video guy actually had the nerve to say bigez and sorry for your loss. YOU HAD TO PULL THE BIG HACKS TO WIN BECAUSE NOT EVEN WITH THE SMALL ONES YOU COULD, LOSER.

  10. This game has gone to hell, you guys have no idea the amount of subtle hackers there are, I have seen them as survivors too, they can do totems in 1 second, they instantly do gens, they instantly open doors, they instantly heal, everything is game changing, imagine how many games there are where killers are doing their best and there are people subtle hacking as the killers is not seeing them.

  11. Subtle hacking is getting out of control, I had a normal game as a killer, and everything is going normal, until the Nea literally hooks herself and unhooks herself 2 times before disconnecting, guessing she messed up with her hack, imagine how many times do we get subtle hackers in the game as killers?!

  12. i realy can't understand what their motive is.
    Also, why isn't BHVR addressing these isues? They refuse to even speak about it. I've been lucky enough to go against a blatant hacker only once, but i'll be damned if there haven't been countles subtle hacks that have gone on under my nose.

  13. Even considering all those noed gamers, those toxic camping and tunneling killers, I would NEVER start to hack in this game. I’m angry at the killer for the game and then move on to the next game. But hacking ruins the game for everyone and not only for the moment, but for the whole day.

  14. I will never understand people who are so deeply incapable that they can’t even play a video game. Should probably give up on life at that point if you’re that pathetic, if you can actively recode the game yourself because you’re experienced with coding then I can respect that to a degree, cause you’re just messing around with programming & having fun; that’s much different than people who think winning in a video game is this important. If you’re this desperate to see a screen for 5 seconds that says you won something in life then just fuck off

  15. YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY I think we did a pretty good job so far MY FCKING A S S 😠😠😠😠😠😠 AT THIS POINT WE OTHER SURVIVORS SEES A HACKER ALL U CAN DO IS OFFER YOURSELF TO DIE I mean the fact in the second game they was helping u but u came also help by sacrificing ur life for the killer on hooks as well and just let the hacker babies who can't play fair anymore leave at least I mean I would gladly take an L as a survivor like true player and not this these FCKING SHT HEADS EVERYONE FACE 🙄🙄🙄🙄 YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS OF THIS GAME BEING AMAZING THEN STUFF LIKE THIS HAPPEN WHY DO PEOPLE GOT TOO BE SO UNABLE TOO FIX THESE SIMPLE THINGS

  16. These hackers are getting beyond a joke, its always the survivors too I notice, I haven't seen a Killer hacking in over a year (probably because the hackers realise they can bully and hold the game hostage as survivor)


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