Full Chapter Honest Review: Dungeons and Dragons – Dead by Daylight

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In this DBD video we do an in-depth review of the upcoming DnD chapter for Dead by Daylight. Vecna, all the perks, and the new Bard survivor. This update is not BG3 related get over it.

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00:00 Intro
00:47 Vecna (Is He Worth Buying?)
02:45 Vecna (Balance Issues and Solutions)
07:25 Vecna (Perks)
10:52 The Bard (New Survivor Perks)
14:43 Conclusion

Music used : ” HORROR THEME ” composed and produced by β€œVivek Abhishek”
Music link : https://youtu.be/LwjzmdiRFpc
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If I Can’t Dance It’s Not My Revolution by Quantum Jazz
Creative Commons β€” Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unportedβ€” CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/quantum-jazz
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/fLYlEfkGr1E

Music: Power Music Factory
Channel URL : Youtube.com/powermusicfactory


38 thoughts on “Full Chapter Honest Review: Dungeons and Dragons – Dead by Daylight”

  1. There names are not hard at all to pronounce for example her name is pronounced like the word Astral but with an I at the end instead of an L i know there names are different but i don't think you should disrespect them because they have different names. like dont how if this is just a Persona/bit to be funny but you come off as really passive-aggressive when you say it

  2. It's a very big letdown. To be honest, because the perks on both sides are trash and the killer is extremely underwhelming. He needs a red ad on to be relevant

  3. Stop buying killers that suck just because of it's "potential". This is dbd's problem as a whole. People financially keep supporting this game because of its potential and what they want it to be, not for what it is right now. Because of all that, here we are, in another chapter full of bugs that hasn't been fixed. The dbd brain rot is real and BHVR, rightfully so, take you all for suckers

  4. I concur except for the perk Still Sight. Making it so that it works after only 2 seconds would make it pretty bonkers in chase and would nullify many many mindgames in many situations. I feel like it is kind of a chase perk and meant to be used at longer loops for example. Imagine standing at a pallet at a longer loop and knowing exactly where the killer is while said killer is trying to mindgame it.
    Speaking of seeing the killers aura, why is there still no distortion equivalent for killer to nullify perks like this, Fogwise or Alert, and of course keys? Meanwhile distortion counters like 20 perks and some 50 and change addons.

  5. It has always amazed me that survivors need to "git guud", or it's all a "skill issue" lmao whenever something is opposed in DBD, but killer mains need braindead add ons that lower the skill ceiling in order to "get value" from a killer. We all know DBD is going to buff the crap out of this killer to satisfy whiny killer mains and this killer will be miserable to go against.

  6. Wasted potential. Could have use hand to grip and regress a generator for the duration of the match. Have his ghost (only 2) go after survivors like a heat seeking missle as a massive pressure tool. Have circle reduce surv perk effectiveness by 2%. Then reduce cooldown for each dead survivor. DnD collab down the trash, really they could not have made an entirely new map.

  7. I am excited about this chapter I love dnd so this chapter is exciting for me and I can’t wait to get my hands on this chapter. However I totally agree that vecna needs to have some things buffed and changed before it is fully released.

  8. I personally think Vecna's one of the coolest designed killers they've released in a hot minute. But yeah, hoping that he's responsibly buffed in time for live release, so that way he's not super weak to play but not super oppressive to play against.

  9. I almost think that if mage hand picks up a pallet, it should drop it back down after like 5 seconds so you can come back and break it without giving Any Means Necessary value.

  10. He needs quite a few buffs, but I've never been happier with BHVR. This is the first licensed killer in 9 months whose power doesn't boil down to a cliche Demogorgon-esque midrange zoning tool. We should be encouraging BHVR to make more killers like Vecna, where a lot of love and effort was poured in to distill the essence of the license into the character, as opposed to reselling Demogorgon again and again and AGAIN AND AGAIN!! Who cares if this guy is balanced to a fine point where he's tournament ready? Get this beautiful basekit to a reasonable balance point and let him roam free!! And for the love of all that is holy if this guy gets Freddied, I'm going to fly right over to BHVR HQ and cement Lego spikes into every square inch of the floor.

  11. 6:12 Eesh, yeah that- That sucks. I'd expect a picked up pallet to be blocked for like, at least a couple seconds. So you could actually, potentially get value out of picking it up and possibly get a hit out of it- But nah. You'd legitimately get more value out of just kicking the downed pallet, because picking it back up just gave them a free stun on you, with absolutely no value for you in turn.

  12. I am deadass willing to prestige Vecna to P100 just for the sheer fact of him being voiceovered by Matt Mercer, regardless of what BHVR do with his basekit and addons for the live release.

  13. in every video abt Vecna I hear a statement that buffing himjust a little bit too much, he would become uncounterable. I feel like everone forgeting, that magical items exist EXACTLY TO COUNTER HIM. So I honestly advocate to buff Vecna massively, but also make magic items slightly better, to actually give a chanse against his power. SOme items already gives you haste while he uses mage hand. Make item that make you immune to orb revealing, or litteraly, showing auras of a sceletons is fine too. It would also create an interesting dynamik, where you need to choose from which powers do you want protection, cause right now, it is all the same. You counter Vecna by existing and magic items just show you his aura, for some reason, which makes him even weaker

  14. An iri needed to make a power break pallets… That the same issue that PTB Demogorgon had and hopefully it will be made base kit when it goes live just like with Demogorgon.

  15. HARD disagree about Weave Attunement. It sounds like an amazing perk to pair with Franklin's. Franklin's alone has won me countless of games from people literally 4 man throwing themselves at me to save items. This perk will be the cherry on top.

  16. β€œThis is arguably the worst killer. You need to run the rarest add on every time. All his perks suck”==> β€œHE IS 1000% WORTH BUYING”


    Terminal DBD addiction at its finest…


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