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Toxic survivor threatens me!

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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #doc #salty #mad #threat #toxic


30 thoughts on “TOXIC SALTY SURVIVOR THREATENS ME! Dead by Daylight”

  1. Crazy thing is if they won that one, they would call you a baby killer and say things like "How does it feel to get owned?" I just played relatively fair with doc last night and got harassed in end game chat last night.

  2. It's nice when the PGC makes it obvious that if even one of them had gotten out the gate they would have broken their keyboard t-bagging at the finish line, then written 'GGEZ' afterwards.
    But nope, it's totally the Killer's fault for taking advantage of their rescue greed.

  3. True is too kind to use the streamer mode to hide these toxic survivors. You can see these toxic players when they stream or post vids, they don't censor the killers. Some even verbally request their followers to go harass the killer players.

    Also, what happened at the end game chat is called cognitive dissonance. When questioned to explain if their logic makes sense when applied to survivors, just silence. That is when you know that they know their logic makes no sense but they won't admit out of ego.

  4. If bhvr was not mercenary to fix this comunnity is Very simple, make a direct post in twitter saying: "For you that cryes in endgame chat get better, we have the reports here and recurrent behavior Will bê severelly punished." If they punish for real, this Will end Very easy.

  5. Killers are the villains… and then when the villains act like villains (in the game, players that take that stuff to end game chat or a streamer chat are peak entitlement) people get pissed. I think most DBD people haven’t seen a horror movie because if they did, they’d probably be spending most of the time writing hate mail for how unfair the killer was. 😆😆

  6. I swear survivors just don't make sense lol they do there objective in doing gens but if we do our objective in getting kills thats bad? also survivors complain about not getting chased and how thats the most fun thing in the entire game but what happens when you get off a hook and you get tunneled? your getting chased ya? so um whats the problem you're getting chased loop the killer to survive like you say you want to be don't be a cry baby and whine that he is tunneling when you actually want to be chased and loop the killer but oh right all survivors know how to do with that mentality is abuse the killer but if a killer abuses back its shunned and should have terrible things happen to them? survivors are weird lol

  7. So many survivor-mains just want/expect to play gen-rush simulator and get 4Es with zero effort whatsoever, and then they throw a temper-tantrum when the killer actually plays to win and doesn't give a shit about their stupid rule-book. It's honestly pathetic.

  8. Killers literally complain about dh when they will literally sweat there sack off in end game with noed just cause they don’t know how to do a loop with things like bloodlust and all that shite dh gives you a fighting chance killer is easy

  9. I'm not condoning survivors to act this way, anyone can play how they want, but True has time and time again made statements, even videos, about how camping and tunneling is bad for the game and community. It's definitely a strategy though, but he stopped multiple chases to tunnel someone outta this game. I used to like True, but he says one things and does another. But apparently it's all god because he's always right and everyone is wrong if it doesn't line up with what he says and does. Hilarious.

  10. That Meg Survivor is a Sick F@ck. That little Sh*t doesn't know what it's like to have cancer. It's literally a F'n slow and painful death. My grandmother has it and it's not something you would wish on someone even those you hate. People these days…

  11. true checkboxes: clickbaity all caps title, keeps rubbing own belly constantly, calls "others in the DBD community" liars and deceivers (we all know who he's talking about)
    And still wonders that he doesn't grow like others do. Couldn't be because of the checkboxes, nah it's obviously sabotage xD


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