Gen Rushing With The New Perk Hyperfocus – Dead by Daylight

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Gen Rushing With The New Perk Hyperfocus – Dead by Daylight

In today’s video we are going to be rushing gens with hyperfocus, hope you all enjoy the video!!

Thumbnail created by @MewsMori
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Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game featuring 4 survivors and 1 killer. Some of the best perks in the game include sprint burst, dead hard, balanced landing, exhaustion perks, decisive strike, unbreakable, object of obsession, adrenaline, iron will, pop goes the weasel, Hex:ruin, corrupt intervention. Some of the best builds in the game include the no mither build, the tryhard survivor build, the meta survivor build, the invincible survivor build, the vault speed build, the most toxic survivor build, the legacy survivor build, the object of obsession build, the aura build, the most efficient survivor build, the best survivor build, the best killer build, the genrushing build


16 thoughts on “Gen Rushing With The New Perk Hyperfocus – Dead by Daylight”

  1. For experienced players who could easily hit Ruin skill checks back in the days multiple times in a row should have no problems of hitting great skill checks with Hyperfocus without the use of stake out even if the rotation speed does increases by 4% per token?

    I do not own Rebecca just yet so i haven't been able to test Hyperfocus myself but for those of you who have tried using Hyperfocus without stake out or any other perks how difficult was it for you to hit great skill checks multiple times in a row from a scale of 1 to 10?

  2. This videos shows that this build isn't worth it at all!

    In normal games, you need to let go of gens (to heal, when killer comes) far to often. Getting new stakeout stacks while working a gen is pretty rare too (mostly happening on 2-floor maps, like The Game).
    Wasting time tailgating the killer to get more stakeout stacks isn't worth it at all. Just sit on the gen earlier instead.
    Prove Thyself und Toolboxes are the real efficiency gains, when it comes to gens. Even "Built To Last" only I'd worth it, if there is a gen which gets contested by the killer. Otherwise you only get back the time you spent in the locker.


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