Gen speed is fine! Just apply pressure – Dead by Daylight

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12 thoughts on “Gen speed is fine! Just apply pressure – Dead by Daylight”

  1. The first gen popping was the one on the saloon.
    At 00:22 you can see 2 survs started working on hit, you puke and leave them working at 00:50.
    At 01:43 the gen was done, 53 seconds.
    2 survs can complete a gen in 52 seconds if there is Thana at 3, without excellent SC.
    Think it is legit.

    Then they had to stop because you was protecting the last 3 gens and they have 2 persons on the ground.
    They start again at 2:15 when the corrupt ends and they rescued everyone while you were drinking.
    Then you chase an Ace in the middle of nowhere around a silent gen and you down him at 02:55
    03:04 another gen popped, in the gallows, a gen that was already started.
    A single surv can do it if it was 60%, and it was because at 01:31 you can see the gen with 2 pistons completed and one just started. I think it was the person that got saved from the hook because she was near there the last time you saw her.
    At 03:13 you scourge and you can clearly see the other 2 survs working on the gen in the corner, the gen is probably almost completed, they had one minute, 2 survs require 56 seconds to kill a gen from zero with thana 4.
    It took -15% and got blocked, but in this moment you lost 2 gens with the one on the scaffold started and the one in the corner almost completed. And it seem legit to me.

    At 3:25 we see that, instead of apply pressure to the gen that is almost completed you decide to tunnel the Ace, only one surv went away from it, it is almost completed and probably the other one decided to stay around it to finish it asap.
    The ace probably got saved by the surv that completed the second gen.
    03:33 the gen is nomore blocked and 03:51 is completed, the surv was waiting there in order to kick the 15% you got from the scourge hook, the Ace went away with the DS and the other 2 survs are workin on the gen on the scaffold.
    Also the 3rd gen is legit for me.

    03:53 you can see the gen on the scaffold has 2 pistons moving, this means it is 50%.
    They had something like 25-30 seconds to work it in 2, 50% is reasonable for a situation with thana 4 and a gen already started.
    At 04:30 another gen popped, the 4th surv had 40 seconds to complete it, probably from zero, but the ace that escaped with DS may helped her in the lest 50%
    This gen is the only suspicious one, if the Ace helped, it is ok, without Ace it is strange, maybe she found a green toolbox and hit all the Great SC?

    Then they basically got killed by the altruism.
    IF THEY decided to accept the death of their mate they could have easily completed the last gen on the scaffold.
    IF THEY instead of 4 medikits decided to bring some normal toolboxes in the end you would have to defend that hook with the gates open.

    In the end i think it is completely legit, and not unusual.
    Once with PGTW i lost 4 gens in 3 minutes hooking twice.
    With thana you lost 4 gens in 4:30 because corrupt did nothing, they found immediately not blocked gens and you scourged just once!
    Other than this…. against the plaugue the survs always smash gens, what are they supposed to do if they can't heal?

  2. dude zeb. i used to think you were overreacting about dead hard. last month i got level 3 red rank on killer and 1 on survivor. after the new sbmm, i see EXACTLY what you mean. Dead hard is ridiculous. I had a game against swf who all dead hard ds. Made mistakes at windows but would dead hard past the hit. hopefully it gets reworked and nerfed heavy. dealing with 4 dead hards for 3 hooks each was absolutely ridiculous and unfun.

  3. I was playing killer and of course all the survs had Dead hard, so when we went in endgame a chat I asked to one of them: “Dude what am I supposed to do against dead hard, come on…”
    He answered: “Just bait it out”
    Then I said: “How am I supposed to bait Dead hard if you use it for distance , to reach a pallet/window you aren’t supposed to get?”
    His answer: “Idk”
    The thing about “Just bait dead hard” is non sense, good survivors don’t use dead hard to dodge a hit when the killer is right on top of them, they use the perk to gain extra distance and reach a new pallet/window to put themselves in a safe position before you can even do something…there’s no counter.

  4. The first gen popping was the one on the saloon.

    At 00:22 you can see 2 survs started working on hit, you puke and leave them working at 00:50.

    At 01:43 the gen was done, 53 seconds.

    2 survs can complete a gen in 52 seconds if there is Thana at 3, without excellent SC.

    Think it is legit.

    Then they had to stop because you was protecting the last 3 gens and they have 2 persons on the ground.

    They start again at 2:15 when the corrupt ends and they rescued everyone while you were drinking.

    Then you chase an Ace in the middle of nowhere around a silent gen and you down him at 02:55

    03:04 another gen popped, in the gallows, a gen that was already started.

    A single surv can do it if it was 60%, and it was because at 01:31 you can see the gen with 2 pistons completed and one just started. I think it was the person that got saved from the hook because she was near there the last time you saw her.

    At 03:13 you scourge and you can clearly see the other 2 survs working on the gen in the corner, the gen is probably almost completed, they had one minute, 2 survs require 56 seconds to kill a gen from zero with thana 4.

    It took -15% and got blocked, but in this moment you lost 2 gens with the one on the scaffold started and the one in the corner almost completed. And it seem legit to me.

    At 3:25 we see that, instead of apply pressure to the gen that is almost completed you decide to tunnel the Ace, only one surv went away from it, it is almost completed and probably the other one decided to stay around it to finish it asap.

    The ace probably got saved by the surv that completed the second gen.

    03:33 the gen is nomore blocked and 03:51 is completed, the surv was waiting there in order to kick the 15% you got from the scourge hook, the Ace went away with the DS and the other 2 survs are workin on the gen on the scaffold.

    Also the 3rd gen is legit for me.

    03:53 you can see the gen on the scaffold has 2 pistons moving, this means it is 50%.

    They had something like 25-30 seconds to work it in 2, 50% is reasonable for a situation with thana 4 and a gen already started.

    At 04:30 another gen popped, the 4th surv had 40 seconds to complete it, probably from zero, but the ace that escaped with DS may helped her in the lest 50%

    This gen is the only suspicious one, if the Ace helped, it is ok, without Ace it is strange, maybe she found a green toolbox and hit all the Great SC?

    Then they basically got killed by the altruism.

    IF THEY decided to accept the death of their mate they could have easily completed the last gen on the scaffold.

    IF THEY instead of 4 medikits decided to bring some normal toolboxes in the end you would have to defend that hook with the gates open.

    In the end i think it is completely legit, and not unusual.

    Once with PGTW i lost 4 gens in 3 minutes hooking twice.

    With thana you lost 4 gens in 4:30 because corrupt did nothing, they found immediately not blocked gens and you scourged just once!

    Other than this…. against the plaugue the survs always smash gens, what are they supposed to do if they can't heal?


  5. I honestly feel this game is pretty balanced you may have to play extra sweaty sometimes like this one but you still ended with winning which is impressive and kind of proves my point

  6. It’s frustrating when that happens from the killer’s perspective because it feels like you’re losing the game to no fault of your own.

    4 gens done in 4.5 minutes is legit if the survivors all work on separate gens and play as efficiently as possible.

    After playing VHS and coming back to DBD, I realize how poorly designed DBD is :/

  7. Yesterday i bought the dredge, ive been playing for years so what im about to tell is not due to inexperience. I only played two matches, against the same exact survivors, all friends with items and addons like syringes, BNPs, god green medkit and stuff like that. Lets remember that i just had bought that killer which, in theory, means that my MMR should be lower than with other killers (unless they changes this but i havent heard of that).
    Both matches were even worse than this, and even though i just got introduced to the dredge, i had good chases, the longest one took like 20 seconds to get a hit, i went down after down, with pop and corrupt intervention and they still did all the gens in less than 4 minutes, i was completely amazed and only managed to kill two of them.
    Three of their builds were exactly the same, DS , DH, BT and Unbreakable, the third guy replaced Unbreakable for cricle of healing and BT for Prove thyself. I pressured a lot, got to use pop several times and still all gens under 4 minutes or maybe around that, not more than 5 though (match is recorded so i really know what im talking about)
    It was just disgusting, plus, they escaped with 1 and 2 hooks left exactly and still T bagged at the exit gate. Did not stay for the endgame chat, just left cos i know that kind or survs.
    The second match against them went even worse, they sent me to ormond and rushed gens, one of them changed Unbreakable for soul guard so he made me lose a lot of time by running up to me with DS active, getting downed, i downed another guy and when Ds ended i went to pick him, someone got him up and Soul Guard protected him, at the end all 4 escaped and T Bagged at the exit. Oh and they used syringes and BNPs again


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