Getting KILLER SALT For the First Time EVER – Dead By Daylight

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After four years, I received my FIRST salty DM from a killer…

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24 thoughts on “Getting KILLER SALT For the First Time EVER – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Sexy Hexy is a real salty killer. Thankfully he's consistent and hilarious with it too πŸ§‚πŸ§‚πŸ§‚πŸ§‚πŸ§‚πŸ§‚πŸ§‚πŸ§‚πŸ§‚πŸ§‚πŸ§‚

  2. You must not play survivor much then. You also play on console so the odds of the killer also being on Playstation and being able to message you is pretty small. I get salty as fuck killers ALL the time. At least 2 or 3 every time I play. Whether it's for an hour or it's for 6.

  3. Just to be clear, I never engage with end game chat in DbD other than to say gg and move on, but… One of the biggest arguments I see is for angry killers to just move on and play the next game. I actually agree with this, however, I just have one question. How are they supposed to do that when the survivors hijack the Endgame Collapse and force the killer to sit through however many minutes of blatant disrespect and bullying while they jerk themselves off? I'm sorry Spook, but this doesn't make sense. You are right, calling people awful names and telling them to off themselves is terrible, but can you really preach against that when you advocate for holding killers hostage during Endgame Collapse. You can't say, "just move on lol" and then in every sense of the definition LITERALLY cause them to not be able to "just move on" without waiting out the collapse.

  4. I can relate to this. Im a killer main but I play with my friends a lot so I play survivor a lot as well and we are all a pretty good team so it isn’t uncommon to receive salt from a killer. As a killer main it’s pathetic.

  5. I received my first killer salt last week – hard tunnelled me all game, despite my two friends doing everything they could to stop this.

    Twas a Myers, and after he got his only kill after the hard tunnel.. he messaged me…

    Clown face, clown face, get good.

    Right ok pal 🀣

  6. Man its crazy to see Matt's new and positive self. Him now versus his low point clearly shows in his playing ability of being a perfect team mate and general self. Good redemption story. Little off topic from the video but I was impressed.

  7. I still haven't played this game yet I've watched so many videos! I just love watching the sheer amount of toxicity and salt that comes from some of the community. People get so wound up over some pixels on a screen! Maybe try a new game if you're one of them people..Must be mentally tiring having such negative energy when you're gaming πŸ‘€

  8. Well getting their attention is all well and good but tbagging at gate is just poor sportsmanship. I don’t agree with BMing killers at all because of how stressful it is to play.

  9. Sounds like you were trying to piss of the legion. I dont get people calling tbagging not toxic if its a strategy. The strategy of tbagging is to piss off the killer so they tunnel you. You can do it if you like but be self aware.

  10. I am a survivor main. I dont click, I dont t-bag and i am at best average in looping. The one thing I do is finish gens in the killers face a lot. I have the audacity to do that but I dont think its really bullying the same way some other survivor tactics are.

    I get killer salt all the time. Its surprising to me how long people can get on without getting salt from killers. I suppose killer mains see the survivors worst and the other way around, but they can definitely be just as bad. I think swfs egg each other on to be assholes and there is four times the chanse of getting salt from survivors over killers due to there physically being more of them.

    I wish we'd just be a less toxic in General on DBD. Everyone loses their cool sometimes (including me on occasion) but being an asshole shouldnt be so common in a damn video game πŸ™„

  11. Teabgging or whatever as a 'strategy' is a stretch. You're specifically performing an action (that provides zero in-game benefit) in order to tilt and annoy the other side. How is that not BM? It also doesn't matter what you think, it's how its perceived. For instance, giving someone the middle finger means absolutely nothing it's just a finger, but it is considered to be rude. The action itself is harmless, it's the meaning attached to it that is negative. It's not friendly banter if the action is considered to be toxic or at the very least if the opposing side sees it that way.

    The solution is simple, just don't do it, even if it seems insignificant. You wouldn't do this kind of 'friendly banter' to strangers irl, so why do it to strangers on the internet.

  12. People are gonna call tbagging & flashlight clicking toxic, but if I do either to you & you A. Continue to chase me B. Get frustrated over it & makes mistakes or C. Just end up dc'ing or giving up, I won.

  13. My friend and I were playing yesterday it was a dredge I think on ormond, now he killed one survivor I was on my last hook, there was a Steve and my friend was a quentin. Now I was injured I healed myself so I could leave the exit gate without being downed so I ran to the exit killer wasn't near at this point my friend run towards the exit gate I was at and killer comes I see there is a podium with an invitation on it so I run to quickly grab it. Killer gets to the gate and my friend is standing there to make sure I'm okay and we both leave. Killer messages my friend saying to pointing and tbagging at pallets (my friend wasn't doing that) and then the killer says well just leave the gate it's considered rude to wait at the gate.

  14. They really need to either add the killers name even better remove the Survivor names in the lobby. It’s really really shitty getting tunneled by a killer from last game or being sandbagged by a Survivor from last game. If they are making The survivor and killer equal they should also display the names at the end for everyone

  15. That player was childish and did wrong reacting like that in the end,we can all agree on this matter.
    That said,this doesn't seem enough material to make a video out of it.
    The player didn't say to "** yourself " in chat and you know it well.
    In general,all your attitude through the video seems very "acted" and you are clearly trying to make things seems bigger than what they really are.
    Should this type of content videos continue,I might see myself forced to unsubscribe from the channel.
    Always rember to be honest in what you do,the people watching you are not fools.


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