Getting OP Builds From a Randomizer | Dead by Daylight

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The random build machine was VERY kind to us today, and we have some solid games as a result.

p.s. pls fix matchmaking already

Website that I use for randomization โ€“

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34 thoughts on “Getting OP Builds From a Randomizer | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Randomizer streak would be great. Maybe you could add a rule that you can reroll perks or killer once every five games or something to help you out/ add some extra strategy.

  2. I think gearhead is a good QOL on singularity, so you don't waste time checking gens, and only go to the cams with people on them. Sure, it still not the best perk to run on him, but I think it works a bit better on him than other killers.

  3. I play killer very rarely, mostly just for dailies and challenges, and when I do — I usually double hook and let everyone go, so my killer MMR is very low. A couple of days ago I versed a 3-man SWF with a Twitchie in it. They had a couple of hundred hours each, so not pure neophytes. However, I was a 4300 hour Ghostface. Watching the VOD from their perspective was both hilarious and enlightening: they genuinely weren't understanding how I kept finding them, finally seeing that I'm running Spies from the Shadows and calling it a busted perk. They really underestimate how much scratch marks they're leaving around, how much noise they make when they're injured, that the killer has a fifth perk called "having ears" and the incredibly busted fantastical sixth sense of… Going to the place where someone got unhooked to look for the unhooker.

    One thing I will say for the younglings though, they're resilient. The more experienced players will throw a hissy fit over a minor inconvenience and DC. The little ones stay and try to power though it. They might not be very efficient at it and spend more time hiding behind a tree with their butts sticking out than doing objectives – but they're trying their darndest, and they deserve brownie points for that.

    I LOVE Face the Darkness. I pair it with Nemesis for extra time, or, which is more fun, with Trails, Nowhere to Hide and Hysteria on iri trapper. So evil and so fun – for me, that is ๐Ÿ˜Š

  4. Randomizer streak sounds fun! To make it less sweaty and add content/RNG you should end the streak if you don't get value from each perk. Corrupt and shadowborn would be free but requiring a hubris down, or trying to have them attempt a flashlight save with lightborn sounds like a blast to watch. 3k or more and value from all perks (add ons too?) For a win. 2k and value from all for a tie. Anything else ends the streak.

  5. I know you said you worry a randomizer streak would feel inauthentic because of matchmaking, but it would be fun to watch you play with some really terrible builds with something on the line!


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