Getting Salt In The New Lights Out Mode – Dead By Daylight

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This game mode is rough for survivors, amazing for Bubba and that Alan was a silly goose.

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40 thoughts on “Getting Salt In The New Lights Out Mode – Dead By Daylight”

  1. To be 100% honest lights out is legit a pure skill play. No perks, addons, tools, or offerings. The fact that they get salty over loosing legit just shows that they're mad that some is better then them.

  2. I've only have played a few hours and I've already been cussed out and whined at. Have both killer and survivors crying the mode favors the side they're not on. It's been a treat, I hope they keep this mode honestly, I'm having a blast.

  3. I haven't tried this yet but I would genuinely scream and throw my mouse 🙃 Your wife sneaking up on you was everything. Also immediately getting the salt. The word tunneling has been so skewed. Literally if you sniff in the direction of a survivor you are tunneling. So silly. I've been tunneled and that my salty Alan was not tunneling. That was you being a goof. Or 🤡 as they put it

  4. I find it hilarious when players think that just because they lost the game they have a right to go into your DMs and trash talk you when all you were doing was just playing the game the way it was intended to be played
    Honestly they should just put down the controller for a bit, go outside, and go touch some grass because the game can be very VERY stressful especially with this game mode and it can be easy to lose your temper which is why it's important to take a break and if you're getting salt then that's when you know they're probably some 30yr old with no life just making others miserable just because they had a bad day on a game


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