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This game mode is rough for survivors, amazing for Bubba and that Alan was a silly goose.
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My brother started playing dbd and he always ends up getting tunneled (even when he's trying to play it safe). Any advice?
To be 100% honest lights out is legit a pure skill play. No perks, addons, tools, or offerings. The fact that they get salty over loosing legit just shows that they're mad that some is better then them.
hey spooks! love the content! (ps i really wanted first comment….)
So glad you included the screams from the Huntress game, that's not gonna get old any time soon.
I had my very first game on Lerys with an Onryo. That was spooky.
I love it with my Dredge. I 3ked every time (either the last got hatch, or I gave them hatch) And I get so many gen grabs
Playing Bubba in Lights Out is so much fun. I'm imagine the survivors shitting themselves when I come swinging my chainsaw from out of the darkness
The lights out gamemode gets me so scared
I've only have played a few hours and I've already been cussed out and whined at. Have both killer and survivors crying the mode favors the side they're not on. It's been a treat, I hope they keep this mode honestly, I'm having a blast.
I haven't tried this yet but I would genuinely scream and throw my mouse
Your wife sneaking up on you was everything. Also immediately getting the salt. The word tunneling has been so skewed. Literally if you sniff in the direction of a survivor you are tunneling. So silly. I've been tunneled and that my salty Alan was not tunneling. That was you being a goof. Or
as they put it
Half the time I see someone crying about tunneling or camping is survivors just chasing killer or crowding a hook I swear. It's so goofy
That was brilliant
I made the mistake of trying to watch this outside in the light. I cannot see
The screams are absolutely hilarious
Mrs. Jukes confirmed for next Stealth Killer?
AFAIK the terror radius visual indicator is for hard of hearing people, but on this mode, there's no terror radius to be heard, WHY is still there?
You were doin pretty good at predicting where that huntress was gonna throw her hatchets for the most part!
I deleted DBD like week ago but I will still watch these videos
I Know She Wants My Bootycheekz – SpooknJukes 2024
I find it hilarious when players think that just because they lost the game they have a right to go into your DMs and trash talk you when all you were doing was just playing the game the way it was intended to be played
Honestly they should just put down the controller for a bit, go outside, and go touch some grass because the game can be very VERY stressful especially with this game mode and it can be easy to lose your temper which is why it's important to take a break and if you're getting salt then that's when you know they're probably some 30yr old with no life just making others miserable just because they had a bad day on a game
Lex is the true Killer main
omg letting the entitled one go so he can feel even more entitled.
Getting salty over an ltm is actually psycho behavior
I loved this mode… It made me love DBD again! This should be permanent, the way DBD is suppose to be played. NO perks and would think no WHINGING!
I played it with Dredge i think this is extra Evil and i like how good Spook is at playing Bubby that he can use the Chainsaw with one Hand.
Feel like it’d be scarier if killers didn’t have the red light in this mode
This game seems like a salt mine. Pick one person, tunnel them out of the game. Ignore the rest to send a message.
Tbh i feel the lights out game mode is less stressful than normal dbd and i really like that also loved the wife jumpscare
I had to set my profile details to private on steam so other syrvivors would stop being weird.
Salt for a game mode that’s not meant to be balanced at all? They’ll literally complain about anything
I like how they added a horror mode to Dead by daylight
The ine time im not horny for Huntress is this game mode xD
It’s fun I’d say probably harder for survivors but fun
Killer shouldn’t see Gens honestly
Doctor is surprisingly strong in lights out because of the hallucination tracking
Salty Survivor: " How dare you take advantage of me making a stupid decision. "
This new mode is absolutely a blast and makes DBD feel like a horror game. I’m loving it!
borderline insane that Alen xD starting the gen and accuse you of tunneling.
the wife jumpscare is too wholesome XDD this mode looks so good, ill be hopping back into dbd
Ghost face with his power allowed me grab two survivors off gens in a row with this mode since it removes his red stain.