GHOSTFACE VS MMR! – Dead by Daylight!

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26 thoughts on “GHOSTFACE VS MMR! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. i still don’t know how you think GF is bottom 3. Sure he’s a much weaker version of Wraith, but they’re still quite a few killers who are straight terrible ( trapper, clown, pig, trickster, etc. )
    Although his power is pretty much zero terror radius, that ability is strong on its own.
    I’m not saying hes S tier, but he’s definitely at least C tier if not more.

  2. I'm stuck in Rank 2 atm playing only my main GF.
    MMR was a bit easier until about halfway into Rank 3, then it hit like a hammer and became a touch harder than even my pre-MMR matches.

    Would love to hit Rank 1 a few days after rank reset like I usually do, but who knows now.
    The build atm is PWYF, Bamboozle, Eruption, Pop. Recovery add ons.
    And the 5th perk is called "PS4 Console Lag" 😛

  3. I've had the most 4 man games i've ever had with GF. I don't get how you can say he's trash. Yeah his power isn't great, but its VERY useful. I think GF gets to much hate for no reason.

  4. This is why it's unfair to compare hit and run Injureface to Wraith! Ghostface is much stronger when he 99s and schemes around(unpredictability) as opposed to just doing hit and run. He gets so much value from those insta downs imo. Hit and run is definitely great on Wraith but actually diminishes Ghostface's lethality.

    Also I would suggest crouching way more often. Almost like tbagging from cover to cover, like tactical movement. The survivor needs to see a third of you to break you out of stealth, and when you crouch, you automatically shrink your visible surface area considerably. So it actually takes longer for them to break you out of stealth when you're crouching. You can use that time to find cover and lean back at them and 99 as punishment. Think of it like the teleport button on hag. You want to crouch as soon as they start to break you out. Once you get that reaction down and know how to preserve your stealth, you can stalk mid-chase more effectively and make sure you expose them at a moment where they have no safety.

    The mind-games are plenty with Ghostface and he's actually not a bad killer! Just a bit more complex to master than most other killers. He shines where there is "out of the box thinking" and unorthodox plays.


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