GOT THE BLOODLUST! – Dead by Daylight!

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15 thoughts on “GOT THE BLOODLUST! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. It's actually offensive towards disabled people associating that voice with them…Scott is such an entitled lil b*tch boy. Never liked him thinks he knows everything n is so much smarter n better than others judging by his videos

  2. Haters simple as that, when you have a successful youtube/twitch account and you have a lot of people watching you, you've created something that is unevitable and doesn't matter what kind of content you create they will hate you no matter what (disgusting people), in this case they don't have any good reason to hate you so they try to rely with anything, even if is as little as this "silly voice, mocking the disabled".
    People like that are like little satelite orbiting your dick in search for something to bring hate towards you.

  3. i get your trying to ignore it but at this point why bother responding to these slandorous parrots they have one delusional argument that no matter how much logic you throw at them they never stop because thats there objective reality,there brain washed cultist and should be ignored into obscurity.
    And that goes for twitch chat aswell stop indulging them.


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