Gotcha! Dead by Daylight

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15 thoughts on “Gotcha! Dead by Daylight”

  1. I don't really play the game at "high level" I'm probably a mid to low gold killer, but I would say noed is dead. I would CERTAINLY say Thana is dead. And if they keep nerfing killers as soon as survivors start complaining about them, pretty soon their game will be dead too. 😁

  2. Would it of been better to hook the second girl when she was on death hook above ground instead of basement? She would of been dead on hook and you would of been closer to the survivors.

  3. I had an audible reaction when you went for a chain on the Ace at the exit gate; another M1 would've probably resulted in an escape. Having the wherewithal to analyze this situation in a matter of seconds is truly impressive. But I guess that doesn't matter! Even when you make the right decision, in a matter of seconds, as killer, the game manages to fuck you sideways and rob you of a kill!

  4. “Use Thana while you can”… Too late. It was pretty impressive how quickly they nuked it. The time between the announcement and implementation was like a day if that.

  5. it is funny that because you can break your own chains, if you swing at a certain angle and break your chains a split second before hitting the survivor, they won't be stopped at the gates. It happened to me once. Again, It is wonderful to have killers that have to skillfully hit survivors just so they have the chance of maybe hitting the survivor.

  6. If you wanna use me correctly..use blood favor, jolt, hoarder, and franklins

    Liquified gore and larry’s remains and you’ll expect dc’s if chain hunt is endless

  7. Na, you see Noed nowhere anymore. Played maybe up to 50 games as survivor since the patch is out and i've got maybe 1 or 2 noeds. But its like you said: you'll only get 1 hook from it or if the team fucks up 3-4 slugs.

  8. NoED is effectively useless at high levels unless you can down and hook the survivor literally right next to it.

    I've tried using it just to see and unless they're hooked by it you can't defend the totem and the hook

  9. The end shows how well thought Killer mechanics are: You cannot get through the Exit while affliced by chains. But you can crawl through it. And you cannot be afflicted by chains while on the ground. Meaning: It is completely pointless.


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