Grades Unironically Indicate Skill More than MMR – Dead by Daylight

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29 thoughts on “Grades Unironically Indicate Skill More than MMR – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I'm trying to get the rank one achievement and It's been a rocky road of double pips and reranking, my problem is that the games I'm getting that I'm double piping is a walk in the park and it's just boring overall but when I get instantly gen rushed and all my downs get's saved by flashlights or body blocking with circle of healing it's just pain. I'm not a good killer, I'm a survivor main and most of my killers are rank 10 so I could do the adept achievements and go back to survivor. I wish that we were in a perfect world where the people want to sweat there ass off and the people who just want to casually play to get achievements or challenges or even just a few bloodpoints could play in different ques but I can't think of an obvious way to do that so they would try to combine there 8 brain cells to figure it out either. DBD is still a love hate relationship that I want to leave but every few months I miss and play a crap ton. thanks for reading my TedTalk

  2. It’s not just me who thought he was gonna tell me how the fact I got an A on a science paper in school shows my skill as a DBD player with more accuracy than MMR

    He didn’t need to, though, it is pretty apparent that the my science grade is clearly more accurate than MMR

  3. I'm rank 1 and I mainly play survivor. I'm pretty bad at the game, but not horrible. It sucks getting constant games with new players and God tier killers. MMR is busted, I think I liked the older system better.

  4. As a new player, who joined after MMR had been implemented, I couldn't figure out why they didn't just have the grade system for matchmaking. It takes into account looping skills, doing gens, and safely unhooking survivors. If that didn't work, I can't imagine anything working.

  5. This is by far the dumbest MMR take you’ve posted yet. You literally have zero frame of reference to even compare the two because you don’t know your own MMR or the MMR of your opponents. The only note worthy observation that can be made is that streamers are constantly whining about their matches being harder, which just means the system is working as intended

  6. You should be able to be graded badly as well though otherwise how is it really a proper grading? For example loosing a match horribly should adjust your Grade for better accuracy of your perceived game skill whereas at the moment you cannot lose a grading once you receive it so once you are Iridescent 1 that's it you are Iri 1 until the "reset" which doesn't really reflect skill. It would actually make sense to show it to the other players at that point too.

  7. i'm still never going to get used to grades being called grades now instead of ranks
    i literally see 0 reason why they had to just reskin the entire system to just confuse everyone
    now it's so much more bland
    bronze, silver, and gold are all ranks/grades you see in other games
    before it was unique, i liked that about it
    and it's also just so much more complicated to say your rank now
    before you just say "oh i'm rank (insert number)"
    now you have to say "i'm ash IV"
    and even then i have to think about it for a second before i actually know what that means

  8. What they should do is have a system that tracks how many bloodpoints you earn per match or per category, remember that bloodpoint categories are a thing?BHVR doesn't obviously. Kinda like a K/D thing. Farming isn't as much of a problem as you think btw

  9. The Emblem system is a better skill indicator than just take escapes/4ks as skill indicator. I don't unteratand why they changed it I mean they waste so much time for this and it sucks more than the old system…

  10. Disagree, my teammates are MUCH better with mmr than they were before. Since they added mmr i dont think i had a single self caring claudette in a corner. Also my average teammate have more or less 2k hour and its not that uncommon to have a full solo team with people who have only 4k+hours. Before it was basically impossible to win vs good nurse in soloq meanwhile these days its not a problem. MMR is not perfect but good players will escape more than bad ones and sure you can have games where you get tunneled but your also gonna have games where you will escape without being chased by the killer even once. Old system was terrible because everyone could get to rank 1 even those selfcaring in a corner claudettes meanwhile in mmr they are gonna be stuck in lower mmr games because they dont do gens.

  11. The random bullshit match ups happen cause of playing during a time when the queue times are very long for survivors. The devs have said they throw out the MMR to get quicker matches. If they didn't do that, it would be a sweatfest every game during peak hours. Friday and Saturday nights are now the best time to play killer IMO even though lots of killers avoid that time cause it's SWF central. You get more even and super chill matchups that let you relax after you just got dunked on by oracle and got 1 hook on cowshed

  12. BHVR has a very funny excuse they like to use, especially when they implement things that make the game unplayable or strictly worse than before. They like to say that they can’t roll back things because that version of the game doesn’t exist anymore. I like to imagine that the second they finish an update they delete all existing copies of the game, because otherwise they are not only incompetent, but also liars.

  13. Mmr doesn’t mean anything at the end of the day, even if it did work. You can’t even see it. So I agree with grades being a better indicator now.

  14. i guess thats your personal experience, i just hate playing killer at high mmr, everybody runs the most meta builds with the biggest flashlight to fuck my ass or a medkit to heal theirselves in about 1/256 of a second (if you take the constant op boon placement into account). its just bit fun anymore, getting carried by their perks not even being that good but being good at holding m1 on gens to complete all of them in like 4mins after i get my literal first hook. its the same every fucking game and i hate to play this game rn its just pure pain

  15. Thats my problem with mmr one game survivors who do gens extremely fast the next game terrible survivors who have no idea what their doing and it makes it so boring

  16. Idk how games go at high MMR, maybe they're just as random as they used to be. But 1 I can not believe they are worse 2 at lower mmr (maybe not the bottom 10%) where I play games are WAY better than they were with rank system

  17. So, I started playing in November. Prior to that, I was a spectator, mostly watching Jund.

    I am a killer main.

    In my experience, MMR does have an effect, but it's VERY minimal.
    When I do a bunch of dumb meme stuff, or ignore the game to find glyphs, letting everyone out on purpose for a while, my games are stupidly easy when I swap back to playing the game properly.
    Once I play seriously for a while, the people I'm paired up with tend to play much better, and even better when I keep going.

    That being said, I also have noticed that the time I play has a huge effect on the player quality.

    If I play early in the day, like 12am-8ish, the games are ALWAYS way easier on average than they are 10pm-2am. 10pm onwards, the games get a lot sweatier.

    I will 100% agree though, sometimes a baby squad winds up mixed into the sweat squads, and I wind up obliterating them because I was in VerySerious(tm) mode.

  18. What makes mmr harder is not the system directly, but more the people that sweat more now.
    Basically they could have said mmr is in now and it would have had almost the same result cause people would sweat now.

  19. Yeah, but we complained so much about ranks they got tired of it, so they hid it, and made it worse so, thats what this community gets for never being happy with anything, the ranks where always fine

  20. I'll have to disagree, i consider myself a good survivor. But i only play like an hour a day, and i play solo queue so the grade doesn't go past silver. It has nothing to do with skill or overall playtime, it only shows how much you grinded that month.


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