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The new Bone Chill event in Dead by Daylight is a lot of fun! Enjoy this gameplay commentary as The Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog
omg that sweater got my wallet shaking, it's so pretty
i swear tats the only killer streamer that at least i watch that has fun and enjoys the game ❤️
I played with Snowman yesterday. It was so fun 😀
The best event ever!
You guys have noticed that tat is losing the entire power gauge after dowing someone ? It's a new bug or it's because the snowmen?
I adore this update lol
This is so funny! xD You built an army and huted the Dwight, you scared the shit out of this Dwight. XDD
Basement bubba but you’re a snowman
1:03 how legions power woulda been from the trailer.
Are killers undetectable when in the snowmen?
In this event the legion trailer is more accurate now
14:53 Snowman Kate be zooming with adrenaline
I legit rage quit my first match as Killer today 😔😔
Hey Tat, you do realize the killers being able to hide in snowmen is basically stealing Legions original concept🤔