No Perks Pyramid Head at Rank 1 | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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The masochism series continues! We’re coming close to the end as we hit Pyramid Head in the killer list. We queue up at rank 1 with no perks or addons or anything, and see how we can do against red rank survivors.

Thumbnail render made by Niina! Check her out here

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39 thoughts on “No Perks Pyramid Head at Rank 1 | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. I'm not into survivor but I like you as a person or at least your personality so I would definitely give it a chance. Plus the teachable idea for killer would actually be helpful for a person like me. Overwhelmed myself trying to grind other killers and just gave up cause they weren't who I wanted to play case I had nothing

  2. Tbh I like your content but the fact that most of the time it just feels like you are mumbling about random stuff while there is gameplay in the background is really annoying.
    Would be much more fun if instead of jibblejabble and "Hi!" "How are you?" "Hello friend!" (Which after awhile loses its humor) you could talk about mindset, strategy, what you are doing and why.
    Would be so much better to learn from than to be like a tv running in the background. It's to the point at the moment where you could beb playing any other game in the background and it wouldn't make much difference. :/

  3. It's entirely possible that saying when you're recording is causing the fanbase to log on at those times more frequently for a chance to show up in your videos. Perhaps mixing up the times you record will make your samples less biased.
    As for video ideas, you could potentially explore DBD mods in custom matches or discuss fan patch notes while repairing gens as a survivor.

  4. I would love to see more survivor videos, especially survivor shrine showcase, survivor perk roulette, and survivor gameplay reviews. And, as a new killer myself, I love the idea of you playing killers just with their teachables and non-teachables.

  5. I'm coming back to play dbd after quite some time and I gotta ask… did they gave dlc for free? I log in and out of nowhere I have Michael, Doctor and Ghostface (Also Laurie and Fen). I'd love to know why I have them

  6. I really love those ideas especially the survivor part cause I really have wanted to see you play survivor but don't forget about what you said in the last random perk vid about doing a vid trying the dress add ons for freddy and doing perk synergy with them

  7. IMO the best survivor gameplay is when the creator edits out the gen down time unless they’re talking about something. i like, ussylis(i think) who just shows his skill checks then will cut 2min of content if necessary.


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