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Grasshopper is the curse of killers – Dead By Daylight
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Love from iran , nice job ✌🏾🇮🇷
Nice loop against nurse.. GG WP
Yes, very good
What colorblind mode does the grasshopper use
so pro 😍🤩🤩🤩
Would rage quit 10/10
It's hard for me to control the flashlight in the mobile version Dead by daylight?
Man's literally flashing the batman signal at the nurse 😭😭😭
I need partners like you in my matches 😆
You should be added as a bot to every nurse match
If I ever see a claudette looper I might scream
Wtf how did the flashlight last so long?
How you expect him to hit its lerys ofc he’s gonna be trash
Way too good
Great game👍. Love from Iran 🇮🇷
Behavior will nerf grasshopper one day or another XD
When Behaviour won't nerf nurse so you do it yourself 😂
Playing against noobies jajaja or playing on custum matches just to do videos to get likes 😂😂🤣
I find that second quick blind after getting the first very difficult. Nice clip!
Yees toxic grasshopper!!
There is some skilled killer that won over You?
Best bully ever 😀
Nurses worst map by far jeez
This is the final proof he only plays against 20 rank killers
Making the most broken killer look like a warm up 🥲
The true nightmare of nurse is Larry memorial institution plus grasshopper
I want to play against such a nursa give me such a nursa)))
I love your vids. from Brazil
bane of killers would make more sense but good plays against a pretty low tier nurse
would love to see you take on a pro sometime, really put those moves to use
Heart breakers
Hex grasshopper 😁