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40 thoughts on “SALTY SURVIVOR MAIN CRYS TO ME ABOUT CAMPING – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I'm not sure what is going on with Borrowed Time, but perhaps if you as the killer are still 32 meters of the unhooking process, which is base terror radius, even when you're undetectable, or oblivious, BT still works. Or perhaps the undectable status isnt in effect for a few seconds

  2. Survivor behavior used to bother me, but once I realized they have every advantage it went away. It's like a person beating you in a race after getting a head start. It's illogical to be upset about it.

  3. Tru3,your Content is mostly great,but it's really sad, that you and a part of your Community spur this eternal Salty Survivormain and Killermain Crybays war.It's so annoying and dumb,that this nice Game Dead by Daylight is toxic af and people like you don't help, rather you aggravate this whole Bullshit.You are playing the same game.But I think this is DBD unfortunately

  4. The terror radius takes a little bit of time to fade away that’s why a lot of people used monitor and whispers on Pig because then there’s no tell of their terror radius when sneaking up on people

  5. I have a question to anyone because im so confused as to what happened

    I was just in a game as Survivor against a Huntress. Her perks were Thanatphobia, Nurse's, pop, and Whispers. Her add ons were the one where she started and could carry 2 extra hatchets and the add on that gives Mangled.

    So im confused as to this, I got hit by a hatchet and ran towards to killer shack to heal in the closet because I had Inner active. Once i get in I get downed…What the actual fuck happened?

  6. Be me
    Be Blight w/ BBQ
    Hook Survivor and see another across map
    Go to other survivor and hook them
    Repeat till all dead
    Called camper
    How am I camping from across map?
    Because you're playing blight
    Survivor logic is flawless

  7. The indectable didnt affect borrow because the bill was still in chase, im pretty sure if u are in chase borrow still works, so u need to break the chase and have no terror radius

  8. You are undetectable as soon as you crouch (can't be seen by aura reading perks) but your terror radius takes 4 seconds to disappear if you're "in chase" and try to drop your TR, so if you crouch as pig, or cloak as wraith/ghost, you can still trigger BT.

  9. I camped a no hook to try and get some pressure on the last gen in game last night. The person on the hook was using object and just running around the edge of the map slamming gens the entire game. They did no rescues and used object to dodge me. They went off the rails in chat and saw me camping them as a direct personnel attack on them. It was wild.

  10. Where did they mentioned they are survivor mains?😂
    Clickbait things guys!
    I think these streamers shouldn't divide this game into killers and survivors mains because we all play both!❤️

  11. He literally hooks a player goes down the hall to pop her gen. Goes to other end of the hall and finds survivors. It’s a hallway. Is he not allowed through after hooking you?? I swear survivors are stupid af and I am one lmao

  12. Camping is not fun (for killer who have to wait and patrol, for hooked surv who cant play and for other survs who cant rescue… but if they were smarts, they'll go for a genrush while killer camp) and usually a bad strat… but when you know that survs lurking around waitin for a save…. camping is ok. thats all. Even Tru3, Otz or insert your favorite DbD streamer here can camp because that's a part of the game.

  13. They need to make a perk that makes the killer not want to camp so much. I’ve noticed that the lower your rank the more they camp. The real talent in this game is getting your 4K while also getting 12 hooks. Camping in multiplayer games is just not fun for anyone.


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