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Cute Legion
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The importance of stealth that most players wont get
Once again I love you
I did that again a nemesis and it worked dude😂
Dude I was that legion
claudettes can blend in
Can somebody please explain what grasshopper tech is? Sorry
Is that legion skin? Looks dope
I’ll be trying this one haha
I have this bunny costume too, it's so cute 😝🐰🐰
Hey Grasshopper, what are your 4 main perks for survivor and killer?
Mano 😂😂
U needa stop tanking ur mmr
I see what you did there, prolong the legion to keep the music going longer
You are so wrong for that
You make me wanna play dbd. Even after rly bad games… 😅
Paid actor lol
Claudette just doing what Claudette do best
Advert for: “Should have gone to specsavers” appears on the Legion’s screen
No way they that blind now lol.
It would take me a bit but one I started getting the hang of it ghostface would have ya
I just need dbd swf playing with random is frustrating
I fucking love the legion
Oh wow! You are just like every other toxic DBD survivor!
Whats that killer? Haven’t seeing it
Not me cooperating with a survivor just trying to attempt to "get" another hiding survivor.
it's still a 2016 juke, anyone who says it's yours hasn't been playing to long and only recently got the game(like ya by the looks of it)
I hope you get banned from this game