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Sorry Streamer im toxic player
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“Ahh you bitch”
О, русский стример)
Все кто играет с пингом ниже 70 априори не должны играть
lmfao instead of his ankles his eyes got snatched
first i didnt know how to flash the killer properly
after watching your videos
Now i go chase the killers to flash them 🗿
Ya know grasshopper that is so very good and i believe that this streamer is so not gonna be happy but it’s worth it
(cj tech moment)
“what a b*tch you are"
(missed hit near the pallet)
"why the f don't I f-ing reach her, what the f"
(in-game pause moment)
"this dude's ping is 64"
What is the streamer saying?
All of Those faking Russians are hardcore tryharding.
Grasshopper clearly stands with Ukraine
Ive been watching your videos grasshopper im gonna match against you and t bag you- ghostface
lightborn or franklins is in his basekit now
dude, I suggest you snipe streamers and upload games with them and their reactions to your channel
Ахахах стример русский
Russians getting destroyed in DBD and Ukraine I like it lol
Noob , 20 rank streamer , ok.
Grasshoper is god <3
Güzel loop