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#dbd #dbdshort #deadbydaylight #dbdvideo #onryo
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Your such a troll lmao
لو انا مكان الوحش اسوي leave game 🙃
If i ever run into you playing this game, I'll unequip Lightborn just because this has got to be one of the funniest things i could possible experience firsthand
I pray I don't ever come across the grasshopper
Those jukes moves are 🔥!!!
What’s this perk called where you can see pallets and windows ? ? ?
You and Nancy wheelchair got the dbd shorts market cornered
It’s the killer mains being salty in the comments for me haha
Yo who was playing that Onryo. I know this is crazy, but I was playing onryo on this map and got bullied by the Elf dwight.
Dead hard = Kum tobasi
This man's wasting every fuckin pallet on planet earth💀
Onryo with ability movingg F Fast Wth
I thought onryo do not know How To dodge Pallet Stuns
Bro has has to have brain damage 😭
Man, you took out half of the map's pallets in that chaee
Can’t wait for dead hard get nerf so he can’t use it now? No skill without dead hard🤨
My boy Grass on demon time
5 pallets and 2 dead hards used within 1 minute. Very skillful
Y por eso ya da hueva jugar ese juego de mierda
Pip hopper*
A very annoying grasshopper
Ya al terminar el vídeo , sin duda los sobrevivientes dan más miedo que los asesinos
Onryo isn’t really good for chases. She’s more of a hit and run style. Seems like she really committed to that chase lmao
Grasshoppa never play as killer ?