HACKING survivor hijacking my game! – Dead by Daylight Stream Salt #2

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#StreamSalt #DBD

This episode of Stream Salt we cover a HACKING survivor using the lot! Speed hacks, insta heal, insta break hook, and he even stopped the endgame collapse and tried to get me to DC. This guy… Is a real piece of work.

This big boy has a really flashy car lol!

Hi guys! I’m MrGimms! I’m an Australian YouTube Partner living in England, streaming a variety of different games. Most known for playing Dead by Daylight!

📜Schedule: I stream MONDAY to FRIDAY 4PM – 8PM BST U.K time.

My links:

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About Dead by Daylight:
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.


33 thoughts on “HACKING survivor hijacking my game! – Dead by Daylight Stream Salt #2”

  1. Thank you for showing us their info, a lot of content creators and forums consider it bad to do but they clearly are missing the point that they should be reported for their actions, yes some people can try to harass the user but if no action is carried out nothing happens and people like this keep getting away with hacking.
    If you have a moment in your day please do the right thing with the information we are given and only the right thing.

  2. Broh I literally ran into a hacker tonight,except this hacker had a whole minute stun which gave the survivors enough time to open exit gates, plus they even played along with the hacker, enjoying her exploits. God Bhvr, do something about this!

  3. What a sad piece of work that person was. He probably had a game where he played like a piece of crap that he is so he had to make sure to make up for it the next game.

  4. Hackers used to be so rare in this game, now they're everywhere (I had one last night and another one two weeks before). This game is slowly turning into CS:GO.

  5. Gotta love Behavior's stance on cheaters. Don't talk about the cheaters and they won't exist. Problem solved…

    On a side note…I would love to catch one of these cheaters with Infinite Tombstone Myers.

  6. I haven't even watched this video since I'm watching a livestream reaction to the Paul vs. Woodley card, and I already hate this hacker for dragging the good name of Felix through the mud.

  7. I remember this.. Holy Moly… I do wish I can have the two killers and three survivors hacker lobby. It's actually hilarious.
    Also in the beginning of your games, I guess you and me who was watching, was too busy focusing in the gameplay that we didn't notice at first, Felix literally teleported from the mining area in the main building to the back of the building, the instant heal he had when you were chasing him, and the very quick totem break without thrill even going off or slowing him down. It's so crazy. And the subtle speedhacking where you were looping correctly, but every turn hes was outta Los, and you couldn't catch up to him for some reason. Until you finally realize, that's when it all came together.

  8. Who's the truly the most pathetic in this match? The person who's hacking, the person who's clearly in a premade with them (but is too much of a pussy to install their own hacks), or the Survivors who are sweating their ass off when they have a teammate who's winning the game for them unfairly?

  9. I don’t know if you noticed but that hacker also completely removed the basement. If you review the footage you’ll see the basement hooks never showed up when you picked up a survivor

  10. I actually find hacking kinda Interesting. Yeah It's bs. But I wonder how they do it. And how it looks on their stream. And if they actually get banned. Dbd doesn't tell u that.
    Great Job BHVR

  11. If you ever get this again (which is likely), I recommend you stop playing, change the screen capture over to something else, and don't talk about it.

    These guys are like psychopaths. They want their "work" broadcast, and want a reaction. Rob them of that, and they'll only waste their own time.

  12. Honestly, I’d just afk against these hackers. Clearly they didn’t get enough attention from their parents.

    If you afk they won’t get their epic bullying addiction fed. I’ve met people who hack online games like this irl and they are about as sad as you’d think they are. Most of them smelled bad, had few friends, and of course they got made fun of daily.

    So most hackers don’t have anything else going on in their live except online attention.


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