Trickster COMEBACK Match Ft. Salty Endgame Chat! | Dead By Daylight

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Trickster gameplay with a great comeback along with a salty survivor at the end hope you enjoy the video!

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27 thoughts on “Trickster COMEBACK Match Ft. Salty Endgame Chat! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. You camped in tunnel for 9 minutes your perks carried you because you couldn't make it over to those gens which is understandable your throws is on point they also didn't decide to do generators separately and hide and healed instead. I think you will really get more value if you slug 1 person near a working gen if you would take my advice you don't have to am just thinking for your points and the gen control.

  2. Dripsters one of my favorite killers love playing him and going against him. But a couple days ago I got a person messaging me on ps4 saying I have no skill for playing an “easy no skill killer”. Just replied with “aw you mad” 😂

  3. Man sometimes I hate being a survivor main cause you know damn well if you didn’t kill them and you weren’t hitting your knifes it would the same brainless shit in vgs. “Bby killer” 1v1. But since you did good they’re salty lol

  4. well i guess that killers are the bad guys now for trying to secure kill when the game goes bad and not the survivors for bringing a full second chance based build lol…….thank god they changed ds and dead hard

  5. You broke the rule in the survivor rule book where trickster is not allowed to use his knives as a trapper/Huntress main me using traps and hatchets is a no no to Dx the rules only apply to killers unfortunately.


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