Hacking TTV Targets Other Streamers – Dead By Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Cheaters definitely don’t seem to be as common nowadays, but it’s crazy seeing the things they’re STILL able to do and can get away with.

I’m live on Twitch 4-6 days a week!

Thumbnail made by https://twitter.com/JMotionZ

Cheaters getting DESTROYED!


44 thoughts on “Hacking TTV Targets Other Streamers – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I don't understand how can you be so pathetic and just target people for no reason. Is it fun for them to show how much of an asshole they are? Is your life so boring that you have nothing else to do? And then act as if they are actually good at the game too

  2. From all my experience gaming online, if only the russians didn't always resort to cheating + aimbot they may have actually had a chance in Ukraine

  3. Thanks for bringing this up. I got targetted by him on two separate days, and I'm a nobody with at most 4 viewers lol. Afaik he's got at least 4 separate steam accounts, and his ''main'' account has 3.3k+ hours of DBD. After games he always hung around my chat & tried to snipe more games. I also watched him for a bit & saw him queueing up and leaving lobbies that had no ttvs in them – that's his M.O.

  4. Only ever had 1 hacker, a wraith who just wanted to mess with and jumpscare us but let us down the gens and all leave and was one of the funnest games ive had

  5. It's always the actual worst players that take the most joy out of cheating.

    Probably because they just don't get the same results without them. Insane right.

  6. I had a hacking survivor in a recent game that made me have to turn the audio off for the stream cuz they would spam drop a pallet or spam open the exit gates, but they also could fully recover and had speed hacks I've got it highlighted on my twitch but noticed immediately it was a cheater so didn't take the match seriously and honestly I felt bad for the other survivors

  7. What a waste of space these cheaters are. I had one the other day that was Insta flashlight saving even though they had no flashlight, pallet stunning me for almost 30 seconds with the same pallet over and over. Flying around the map and when I didn’t give them any attention, instead got survivors to finish the gens quickly, the cheater closed the exit gate and wouldn’t leave the switch. But I outsmarted them by grabbing them, got them on a hook and watched them die as all the others escaped. Success!

  8. How boring is this, having to play with cheats and thinking you're good … these people are delusional.
    Hah, what a surprise … a cheater from russia… russians always cheat.

  9. There have been a lot of cheaters popping up. I have videos I still have to break down and send to BHVR from the event. Teleporting, speed hacking killers seem to be really common for some unknown reason (*cough* MFT *cough cough*) but it really sucks. Survivors are just as questionable to. I've had multiple, who I could see with aura reading, just teleport away from where they were when I blinked to them as Nurse.

  10. I am so lucky that the whole cheater epedemic went almost completely over my head. I faced maybe 5 cheaters during the whole time, and I play daily. I think this is mainly to me A) not being a streamer and B) that my more altruistic playstyle during the EGC prevented me from reaching high MMR where all the cheaters are.
    Besides from the one or two lagswitchers I encountered when the game was still P2P, I faced a duo (right when DBD came to Windows Store and had crossplay with it) who did all the god-mode stuff before it became popular. They even cheated Legacy and used the fact, that you could not look at a cross-play profile (they cheated the "globe" next to their name too) so you could not properly report them with a ticket.
    During the epedemic I faced a screaming and speedhacking god-mode Claudette, who threatened me to hold the game hostage, 2 insta-gen cheaters, a Terminator Bot Spirit and a Nea who was subtle speed hacking but i caught her using auto-DH and getting impossible blinds.
    The only recent hacker was a really insidious player who got the impossible flashlight blinds as i carried people to the basement for an archive challenge. I found out who it was because all used flashlights with different blind durations and i measured the timings.

  11. i love how he feels like hes done well at the game when he teleports ontop of someone then acts as if they're bad like huh? itd be funny to see if he actually believes he plays well

  12. I played against that guy, made a clip of it and a ticket on the support forms. he felt really good doing it and started trash talking afterwards thinking he was actually godtier hahaha

  13. I encountered a speedhacker recently, and then 2 guys who suspiciously let me down them. When I went to pick them up, the game would freeze at my end for a few seconds, and auto drop them. After the 3rd or 4th pickup, I crashed to desktop. That scenario has happened twice to me in the last fortnight.


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