Hags new Terror radius! | Dead by Daylight

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Hags new Terror radius! | Dead by Daylight

Enjoy the music 😉
Including the Menu music!!

I didn’t even know she got a new terror radius!!
What are your thoughts??

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Thank you all very much for watching! I hope to see you all in my future videos
– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”

🎵Ending Music by: thesedonas.com – “Blues” 🎵

#DeadbyDaylight​​ #intothefog​​ #DBD​​ #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer


45 thoughts on “Hags new Terror radius! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Yo, legion, got a survivor challenge for you:
    I dare you to collect 8 items altogether in one place during a single trial with the collectors build
    (Bonus if you escape)
    Perks: Appraisal, Ace in the hole, Plunderers instinct, and Pharmacy.

  2. As a Hagatha main I am very happy with this theme. When distant, they really captured the feel of "getting closer to a trap" with it. And when chase starts it's not overbearing at all. GJ on this one, BHVR.

  3. I don't know if I should like that one of the older Killers is getting it's own music or exasperated that we get updated Killer music before fixing Ghostface and Myers being able to Stalk/Mark through walls.

    I'm digging the fact that apparently they want to give every Killer his own music (although Trapper will likely keep the OG even if they decide to put in the effort & ressources to actually make new music for all those who share the OG theme) but I'd rather they scrap the shitty Finisher Mori/Basekit Unbreakable idea before getting music to be honest XD

  4. maybe buff the hag instead of new music… nobody is playing hear and if everyone is playing franklins.. and me as a Killer main don’t want to bring every time a perk to protect my traps. also she is f damn slow..

  5. as a former hag main, this makes me happy, she really needs some work being one of the least picked (twins being the least picked before hag) and i really wish they would revamp hags map, it's well overdue!


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