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Having Fun In Dead by Daylight!
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I hope you enjoyed!
I wonder how much killer accused you of cheating. You have reach a thin line between cheating and very good on what you are doing
To have fun in dbd you need to have demogorgon
Click Bait Title
At this point people who are known for playing DBD, stream it just because they're getting paid and eventually will get bored of the game if you play it every single day.
Im done playing dbd until they fix hitboxes shit is annoying
BHVR: Billy is too strong, his winrate is too good
Billy: 2:38
This "having fun" perk feels too strong, BHVR needs to nerf the Pig.
Isnt it quite sad that 2 of the "fun" games were about cyberbulling hill billy (yet he's still getting nerfed)
Why are Wesker players always the worst
5:16 imagine having adrenaline at that moment
As a Wesker main, that Midwich match was rough. Midwich is one of his best maps, if only he knew the various techs he would've had a chance
Don't let behaviour see the title of this video. It goes against everything they stand for
Clickbait title! Everybody knows that you can't have fun in dead by daylight
This games ass asf, worst matchmaking ever dawg
I appreciate when your videos include looping tips for specific tiles. I'd 100% watch a series built off this idea. Maybe a video per map?
So to have fun, it helps to have a Billy, got it.
It's so bizarre to hear how fitting Tales of music is with dead by daylight is.. gives a mixture of intensity and triumph during and after a chase. What's your favorite tales of Ayun? From the music I'm guessing Vesperia and or abyss/Xillia
Have fun while you can because pretty soon it will be nothing but healing in hell 😁
Omg how about we do a challenge like to make things more fun! Do a random build perk (You must not pick them, should be random of course xD ) It's just a suggestion tho. But still love your videos!!!
having fun in dbd? this is fake and clickbait! you cant have fun in dbd.
Music name 0.35
What was going on with the echo at the end there bruv?
Are you going to make a video about the new game changing updates?
Step 1: play vs billy