Having Fun In Dead by Daylight!

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Having Fun In Dead by Daylight!
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I hope you enjoyed!


26 thoughts on “Having Fun In Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I appreciate when your videos include looping tips for specific tiles. I'd 100% watch a series built off this idea. Maybe a video per map?

  2. It's so bizarre to hear how fitting Tales of music is with dead by daylight is.. gives a mixture of intensity and triumph during and after a chase. What's your favorite tales of Ayun? From the music I'm guessing Vesperia and or abyss/Xillia

  3. Omg how about we do a challenge like to make things more fun! Do a random build perk (You must not pick them, should be random of course xD ) It's just a suggestion tho. But still love your videos!!!


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