He Must Really Love Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

For him to tell me how much he likes dbd without any question, he must love it!

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #legion #worldnews #world #huge #meta

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13 thoughts on “He Must Really Love Dead by Daylight”

  1. I played a match earlier in the farm: one person with windows of opportunity predropped every pallet and the whole match was over when I hooked them. The entire map had pallets in a chain together. All they did was hold W and the game was over.

  2. I'll say True, Legion is one of my most played killers and when the bt hook trade scenario happens one hidden strength that legion has is that you can frenzy all the surviors near the hook and with the speed gained you can catch up and down at least one of the fresh survivors that tried going for the save in the first place. However this is dependent on how close the hook is to the exit gate of course. But I do this strategy all the time and they pretty much hook trade themselves if they try doing this against a good frenzied legion. Hope this helps some viewers out there. The scenario also works if just one or even two surviors try going for the save too by the way.


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