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In Today’s video, we did some healing while in chase against some killers using this very efficient build.
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#DBD #DeadByDaylight
That Claudette was just the better player
how the hell do u combine those outfits man im clueless, i thought that thing comin in a set
some cracked gameplays
Yo what sup
Sexy Ass outiftt
yo i was literally like ‘what do i watch’ and u popped up
Why you don't play with desperate measures?
I hear that fly octo fly in the background bro
The Claudette from the first match just had the better gaming chair
Classed Uploads instant click
3:00the way the Claudette just stands there and heals while staring at the Huntress over her shoulder has me fucking rolling 😭
Ur literally just doin ayruns videos but i still love you because youre dope swag
claudathan was just doing the build 🤨 why y’all coming at her
Peppa pig couldn't hack mans heals
nice vid clazza
S tier edits big man keep it up brother 🗣️
I still dont know what he says at the start of his videos lol
The Claudette that was the one healing mid chase, you guys got it wrong.
Claudette just had the better healing build
Really funny editing. The Simpsons one made me laugh out loud.
Is video laggy sometimes or is it just me?
Explaining the build with the pokemon center theme in the background
Me: I understood that reference!
Loved the video really great content, i can't wait to see more, keep up the good work, i hit that like button! Take care..
Yo the zombies game start sound on the glyph had me dying bruh 😂
How did you make that outfit ?
Pleajeune really spices it up