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#dbd #maps #mapdesign
On this commentary video, we’re talking about the troubling and inconsistent map design in Dead by Daylight and why it’s near impossible to balance the maps in a way that makes both killer and survivor happy.
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►Video Song: White Bat Audio – Agent Cooper
►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring
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Maps can be balanced for both sides regardless of the disparity between Killers.
If the game has weak Killers then that's a completely separate problem that the devs have to look at independently of any map.
To design a map you need to take into consideration 3 main things:
1. Survivors 4m/s agaisnt the "general" 4,6m/s of Killers
2. In outdoor maps, make sure that survivors do not have a giant field of view
3. In indoor Maps, make sure is not a very closed maze.
Bran have you considered the idea of BHVR making certain map "variants" depending on the killer? Some killers can effectively be grouped in certain classes, like stealth or ranged or rushdown, and BHVR could make it so loading into a map with a certain killer chooses a particular map arrangement. This would make the maps more balanced and help stop the trend of killers or survivors just ruining the other side's day with offerings.
I feel like this would be a good idea, it'd be an equivalent system to the current variation system we have now, but would instead force consistency between killers. So a killer like Ghostface that spawns on Coldwind would have more LoS blockers than, say, a Huntress, but each variation would be balanced so that the killer isn't being screwed over by RNG or being too strong. That way, strong maps like Ormond or Garden could stay strong against the toughest killers like Blight and Nurse but could be nerfed for other killer "types". I can't really see this being too hard to implement either since it really just depends on boarding up windows, reducing/increasing pallet spawns, and changing LoS amounts on tiles. It'd take some QA from people experienced with particular killers but overall it'd be a pretty simple solution.
Getting all killers to the same effectiveness level would be the best option, but we all know that's never going to happen and it would stop creativity for new types of powers that can be fun but not strong enough, I think they should make a point system for the game AI when the map spawns and give the AI more points to "buy" stronger tiles against stronger killers, they could even not make this hidden from the community and put a label on killers as "high" "medium" "low" on how many points it would give the AI so if you face a blight you would have loads of loops and strong tiles, but when you face a legion you have far away tiles with just a bunch of junk connecting things for the majority of the map.
Dead dawg is the perfect map for both sides, change my mind lol
Long and thicc tiles=pain
I get making balanced maps is hard, but like, sometimes it's like BHVR genuinely ignore common sense that anyone who has played the game for a few hours would have. Like, connected windows and long walls are extremely strong loops for survivors. Or, maybe put generators near map features you want people to play around, rather than boring empty corners (Greenville Square and Forgotten Ruins, the two newest maps, are especially bad at this!)
I clicked this video cause I wanted to watch something while eating and I lowkey thought this was moist critckal XD
This is a nothingburger of a video, nothing new, inventive or additive was said.