Hellraiser Dev Update ~Dead by Daylight~

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

It looks good…
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Music by HH Streambeats: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhIzey5JOsYGtAVfgh69jRzPwbZ1o_jdD
Ending Theme by Jon Rob: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0LoucMOj97Jiq-1uXvYGug


26 thoughts on “Hellraiser Dev Update ~Dead by Daylight~”

  1. I haven't played DbD in probably a month. I'm happier, I actually enjoy gaming again. You hit the nail on the head. Survivor mains will never understand this game without playing both sides at the top level I consistently hit R1 both sides , have all killers p3 and even without this awful mmr my overall luck was 3-4 man swfs every day all the time and it broke me. I was severely depressed, didn't even enjoy playing games anymore. Looking forward to halo infinite, getting pumped for Diablo 2 remaster among lots of other games thru my gamepass like hades etc. Fuck DbD I can't see myself ever going back. Behavior is just cancer.

  2. With SBMM, I mostly noticed the effect as Killer (because I refuse to play solo queue anymore and only play survivor with friends). It went one of two ways for me. Either I got complete babies, who were petrified of the TR, or sweat squads. There was no in-between.

    If this is what I can expect in the future, I may stop playing. Either way it's not fun. I either completely stomp and feel bored because there's little to no challenge. Or I have an insanely stressful experience where I get stomped, and maybe get 2 hooks tops, because there's too much challenge.

  3. I understand the time limit while in your gateway but I would like more time to actually look around and think about what I’m doing. 6 seconds isn’t bad but idk if it’s enough time to do much scouting.

  4. If sbmm is killer based I guess you could just hop on bubba and facecamp for like 40 matches. Should drop that killers mmr to absolutely bottom tier, so you have a decently strong killer you can destress on.

  5. SBMM is gonna be a hot mess
    The changes to cenobite really don't help him that much
    Other survivors don't get punished for one survivors holding the box, just only the survivors holding it does
    And the rank rewards are just trash, still neglecting the main problem with the grind.

  6. If SBMM becomes a thing then I just straight up won't play DBD anymore. My favorite killers are low-tier and all I do is get bullied whenever it's on, unless I stress myself to death and use their best addons, and pray I get a decent map while playing using unfun manners. edit: Survivors are also just going to get nothing but high-tier killers like nurses and spirits. They're making the game less fun for everyone with high mmr.

  7. As long as me messing around, gets me in ranks where I can have a decent chance to win while messing around, then I'm fine with that. I just want to try a moderate ammount, with some meme build or something and have my fun, not go against ultra try hards, meta or die, players. I'll leave that for the ones who have fun doing that … or for the ones who would rather torture them selves than enjoy the game.

  8. About the rank rewards: While I personally think we should get more over all, I have to point out that your math is "flawed" as you get 250k for both roles so 500k in total if you're top ranked.
    I know you are killer only so for you personally it was correct but other players who play both roles have a higher max potential reward

  9. I said this when they first announced the rank rewards. 250K is not worth it, but when I said it in a group of friends who play very casually they had the opposite reaction. They liked that they were getting more BP for their time. So I don't know, I play with mostly long term dedicated players who view it as a pittance, but it seems more casual players are okay with it. I guess what I'm getting at is they are ready to nerf pig.

  10. I approve of the Cenobyte changes but there is still a glaring issue…The Cenobyte is the only killer who the Survivors can actively interact with their item BEFORE the Power is inflicted on them. Pig Boxes, Freddy Clocks, Plague Fountains, Nemi Vaccine Chests all do not reveal their aura to players UNTIL they are being affected by the Power.

    This is what they need to do to the Cenobyte


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