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Hello friends, this video is me queueing up for a few games with huntress using the new Hex: Blood Favor, to attempt to showcase the strength of it since itโs buff.
Thumbnail render made by Ev3ntic! Check her out hereโโโ
I stream Dead by Daylight 6 nights a week over at Twitch โโโโ
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ok glad i'm not the only one that notices the rendering issue when i play games. i'm like i know its not my pc >.>
at the start of the video i was like "how is that perk gonna get him any value"
and get this
it didnt
Goshdarn got clickbaited, still love you tofu!
M1 killer, new blood favor + save the best for last so you can just walk around smacking people next to pallets and keep going before they get out of range of blood favor
20:49 a corn stalk
i really missed tofu in these past months and just seeing him upload a few times in recent days is great to me and many others iโm sure. glad to see you back tofu we love u man
Make sure to run Lethal Pursuer in your hex builds, that way you can see the survivors spawn on top of your totems and start breaking them!
I've been really enjoying it on Trickster, and I think it actually works better on him cuz if the survs keep running forward during sprint they're gonna get peppered with knives. So unlike with Huntress, the survivors will be wiggling mid sprint so they can't get outta range of Blood Favor as easily.
Too bad hex perks aren't as good as boon perks.
No hex perks are meta right now against decent survivors. Boon totems meta, totems are going so fast with the totems finding perks
15:50 just the fact that you can pick up a survivor without fear of being stunned because of the blood favor is value per se
the real blood favour was the friends we made along the way
"I heard bloodfavor got buffed I sure hope no one boons my totems in the first 30 seconds of the game"
"This guy's dead… and that's a tree, Tofu." – Words of Wisdom from our Sempai
Cant have new meta, gotta nerf it now.
quite honestly i feel like dbd is getting quite boring in the sense of everyone just using th same shit. i see so many blood favor and plaything users now
Blood Favor is borderline broken on Plague.
I definitely see the merit with using blood favor on huntress but my initial thoughts with it was that it'd be really good for legion and plague. legion is probably obvious with his frenzy. plague i like the idea of hitting someone with corrupt right before they get to a pallet and having no fear that they could stun you out of your power.
Killer logic: we are allowed to snuff survivor totems but if survivors even come close to touching our hexes we are allowed to tunnel ๐๐ป๐๐ป
"When she get unhooks"
My brain: yes
corn stalk, thats the long holdy bit that the ear is held up by
Am I the only one that thinks that dbd is too survivor side? More than normally? With neww totems and hit validation its like killers has really to be so good
"This man understands that adversity and existence are one and the same."
Anyone else get toten rushed by Mikaela, Jill or Nancys recently ?
I think that i just prefer a game with survivor that are called "the 1%" to see if really really really has any value w/o.
Okay, bad video for two reasons:
1. You are running a PALLET totem perk on a killer who is KNOWN to NOT have to play around pallets…huntress, really?
2. More importantly, with the new OP Boon totems becoming the new survivor meta, survivors are going to be totem hunting ANYWAY, making hex totems that much more likely to get wtfpwned in like 30 seconds.
I don't want to be that guy, who puts effort into his videos, fuck it – tofu 2021
This happens all the time when I play Huntress. You rarely realize how slow you are until you attempt to patrol gens.
I no look dodge as well based on the initial GRUNT! with the windup, and just kind of dodging when I would throw a hatchet to hit me lol. Works pretty often, actually. Bait towards an obvious path and juke away. Dead hard the same way. Probably just a weird instinct from spending my first year in the game as a pure Killer main. Doesn't always work, but I usually dodge a couple hatchets shrugs
I feel like a really simple fix to hex totems is just to tie them to generator completion. Making a hex deactivate after a certain amount of generators are completed will guarantee value from the perk while also pressuring survivors to actually do gens. But then again, generator speeds are a whole other issue. So pressuring survivors to do gens might not be the best
Tofu back with that sweet sweet frequency of posting! It's tough keeping up with the streams because of time zones so I like this a lot!
I used this perk on my Clown before the buff and now I only enjoy it more and more
You can't run Hex perks with Corrupt Intervention. People will move around more and likely find your totems. Also corn plants are called stalks or stocks, not sure which.
Someone made a great suggestion on reddit where Hex totems have a passive effect that remains in the game regardless but the active hex effect can be cleansed.
For example, Ruin,
Passive: Generators regress at 200%
Active: Generators don't need to be kicked to regress
As a Nebraskan, they are corn stalks.
can we all appreciate how people didn't take off their pride flags after pride month?
Corn stalk, is the whole plants name