Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Hope you guys are going to enjoy this HEX: NO ONE ESCAPES DREDGE COMBO – Dead By Daylight video. Let me know what killers do you want to see me play before the mid chapter patch will drop next week. I was thinking of doing more nemesis, trickster, and maybe some onryo but in case you wanna see something different let me know in the comments
#DBD #Dredge #DredgeDBD #DredgeBuild #DBDKiller
I never thought that dredge its such a force with an end game build
noed time
Yoo, your name means " I Killed" in portuguese, anyway nice content +1 sub
…. you use no ed?…
Perfect map for his adept
Lol they got rolled and smoked. They probably thought they had it for sure
Hex: Nuclear Strike
What’s the skin?