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Leatherface (Bubba) game in High MMR Dead by Daylight, how it feels like, how it plays like… only good survivors. Enjoy 🙂 Like & Sub if you like it, more soon!
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I think you play too nice.
Survivors so hard that eventually you will be sounding like Bubba.
How are you feeling Seth? Arrooouhhhhhh
BHVR: "To ensure the Killer feels like an unstoppable force to be feared."
good stuff seth. lovin the vids
if survivors tunnel gens, then why won't I tunnel survivors??
Ok, I know it's boring, I'm not saying you should tunnel at 5 gens. But maybe don't go for everyone. I just focus on 2 or 3 survivors, bc games don't last long enough.
I agree, I think you play a bit too nice
Yeah you have to control your hooks. You give them free unhooks. Forget the stigma, you literally don’t have a choice after a certain point.
do you think you could try a little ghost face it would be much appreciated also games like this make me hate survivors
I feel like especially if you are on an M1 killer and not playing in the most miserable way possible like hard camping hooks or hard protecting a 3 gen there is just nothing you can really do as a killer to win the game. You have to just hope survivors fuck up.
Seth I thnink the biggest problem is you don't have bring strong perk which can protect the gens. The hex ruin is neff now and it is very useless. And you spend too much time to chase the survivors and forget to protect the gens. I play Bubba too. I think the weakness of Bubba is his speed. He cannot protect the gens effectively because he is too slow. Of course he is amazing in chase.
I use this build of Bubba usually now: Bamboozle+Overcharge+Call of Brine+Eruption.
This is very helpful to protect the gens effectively, especially for the situation of one gen left.
However, it just my opinion. Wish that may help you!
Idk why people are named like that, but one time i met someone with exacly that name and was hacking
Ok now after rewatching the vid a couple of time here comes the analysis of coach sorctim.
First when you spawned on the map you didn´t pay attention to your gen spawn, if you would have looked to the right side of you, you would have noticed that you had a pseudo 4 gen around the 2 story building. 1 gen in shack, 1 gen in front of shack on the right side next to the playground of the school, one in the two story building and one (that one Nea worked on) in the corner of the map. On Badham 5 if you spawn in the shack the survivors have 3 spawn positions, in the corner behind the 2 story building, behind the school and where you found Zarina. Looking at the gen Zarina was working on it was so far out of the way that you could have ignored that gen. So you did not realize you had a 4 gen ,the survivors realized that though so that was the first ouch, when you spawn into the map ALWAYS take a look around to see the position of your gens, analyze the structures you have to work with around those gens, maybe break breakable walls etc. The chase only matters if you chase in the correct location on the map paying more attention to that will save you games.
The gen spawn you had was pretty good for you, and allowed you to play around the 2 story building or shack for the entire game because you had 4 gens around that area, no need to ever go to house of pain or the school which is almost perfect scenario for you, but as mentioned before you did not realize that you had a 4 gen setup and you chased on the wrong side of the map making it easy for survivors to safely do the gens that mattered to you.
Second thing is that this game showed how you rely on BBQ as a crutch. You never saw Nea with BBQ because she countered it with distortion rendering you useless, distortion is actually a good perk because alot of killer players have no orientation and missing game sense to figure out which gen is important and what gen survivors are prioritizing. In the chat we talked about that ,how bad BBQ is because the aura you see if you don´t use the information correctly and make correct decisions based on that you might get baited into an unfavourable chase, and boy you got baited into a game ending bad chase with the Zarina. 4 seconds of aura reading is not alot but enough to store the info in the back of your head. You using it to find your next chase which most of the time ends up being a bait vs coordinated teams, coordinated teams prioritize important gens, so you should prioritize survivors that sit on that important gen. Discordance or Tinkerer even Surveilance for that sake are way better, because you get infos about key targets when it matters. What you don´t use in BBQ you won´t miss when you switch it off. You are not utilizing the extra info of what a survivor is doing while you see their aura, where they are located etc.
Example after you hooked Ace you saw Jill working on the same generator in the building you found her the first time. You decided to go for Zarina that you saw mending and you know was not on the gen due to the information instead not only that but she also was in between house of pain and the shack. ALWAYS prioritize survivors that actually do gens right in that moment over ppl healing, mending, blessing etc. But keep those informations that you saw in your head, those are the last locations you saw them, so when in doubt search that area. In that case Jill being efficient on gens you ignoring her to go for Zarina who was a more confident looper and had a strong structure the shack. Arguebly you ignoring the Jill aura on BBQ while she sat on the same gen as before lost you the game, because you had no coordination you basically relied on BBQ and then you misjudged the infos you got from BBQ and she broke your 3 gen you could have prevented that if you look back in the footage you see that it took you quite some time before you downed Zarina and Jill finishing the gen. Switching targets to prevent the gen from being worked on also getting Jill on death hook might have saved you the game, due to smart decision making. Second example was Ace sitting on the gen together with Nea in the school after you hooked Jill a second time you could not see any auras, Nea had distortion and Ace was sitting behind the gen so auras were blocked, you didnt see anyone on BBQ so you had no orientation were to go next wasting time you don´t have.
They did not do gens fast they did gens kinda optimal the first gen was done in 95 seconds which is 5 seconds more than solo gen so maybe Nea spawned on the gen(unlucky but you could have checked the gen, realizing its part of a 4 gen). The second gen was done 20 seconds after the first gen popped Zarina went back to the gen to finish it together with Ace. Zarina did an optimal play that you should punish she greeded the gen being injured and not healed up. The dead hard was obvious because well she decided to stay injured on the gen, just a cocky survivor that needed you fall for the DH unlucky again. While you had Zarina in deep wounds you did the correct play of hooking Ace, but you did not go for Jill that you saw on the gen why though, she was easily the weak link but still dangerous because she was effiicient. You cared more about juicy mindgames and moonsaws in chase while mostly ignoring the important gens and the 1 v 4. They played optimal, greeded the gens, got free unhooks healed under the hook and you allowed them to do all of that.
I don´t want to be a spoil sport but bro for high mmr and 8k hours in the game you have to work on your game sense and decision making, I would say out of 3 decisions that you could have taken to maybe even win the game you took the correct choice 0 times. It seems like the missing decision making and game sense is masked by BBQ info that you then don´t utlilze when you need it and you are lost without it. On Sadako it makes sense on Bubba it doesn´t if you don´t pay attention to details, like Zarina mending between Shack and House of Pain, or seeing Jills aura on the same gen.
Summary your gameplay is far away from high mmr gameplay you lack orientation and your reliance on BBQ would screw you over against a 4 man team that all run Distortion, Off the Record etc. For high mmr gameplay you have to think way more what can happen, always have in your head what survivors could do with the information you have rn, assume their positioning and learn the importance of prioritization those gens survivors have to prioritize are often gens that are located in a favourable position for the killer. Knowing how to mindgame is not enough to survive vs more efficient teams, that are macro focussed. The map is tough but the gen setup you had near the 2 story building was the best case scenario for you. Take your time to analyze stuff, like someone unhooked meaning you know position of 2 survivors , you are heading straight for another that leaves one survivor unknown so probably on the gen. If you realize that maybe check on gens more often and find the gen jockeys, in that case Nea and Jill.
Your Sadako gameplay with commentary were you analyzed all the plays, predicted what happened I have not seen anything of this thinking anywhere in the game. It looked like you were lost.
The coach sorctim has spoken. Sorry for the wall of text
Well they aren’t as blatant but be careful with survivors with names like this their probably cheaters I got unlucky enough to go against blatant one with invisibility, longer head on stuns, could flashlight save from an angle, and instant heals
Honestly this game is survivor sided depending on what you view as a win
Honestly they need to remove all survivor perks that deal with gen speed and maybe just remove toolboxes as a whole
every game of mine gens are flying,90% of the time i down 1 guy and 2 gens done,after that i down another guy and another gen is done and basicly game is over,they need to do something… and when i face good swf team i cant make more than 3 hooks or something