HONEST REVIEW: YOU NEED This Build To Win Against GAME BREAKING BUGS – Dead By Daylight Wesker DLC

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In today’s video we display the many things that have made Albert Wesker a NERFED killer in my opinion which has caused him to be less enjoyable and needs an immediate FIX!

RESIDENT EVIL: Project W IS CONFIRMED to join the Dead by Daylight franchise in Fall 2022 and we will get a sneak peak as to who the confirmed Survivor(s), Killer, Map, and Perks are.

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21 thoughts on “HONEST REVIEW: YOU NEED This Build To Win Against GAME BREAKING BUGS – Dead By Daylight Wesker DLC”

  1. What are YOUR 100% honest thoughts?!
    Are you experiencing bugs or changes since the latest PTB?
    Is Wesker the same or do you feel he is DESPERATELY in need of a hotfix?

    Hit that LIKE button, COMMENT, and THANK YOU for watching! I should be posting steadily, but I may need to take a day or two to figure out these bugs and how to play around them consistently! LOL

  2. Honestly with the sliding thing I really thought it was my connection or the survivors connection and both me and the Rebecca's ping was at 30 so I was really confused at that point and the game just went back to normal

  3. I've only played a few games but I got the first 2 glitches lol. I like that's he's pretty controller friendly, especially with shadowborn. Trickster for example is basically unplayable on console. When it's not bugged he's very fun… when they fix the bugs it'll be perfect

  4. Man I have slid past survivors but wesker is Great definitely my main moving forward he's so good to me the bugs aren't that big of a deal for (ME). Lol they still gotta fix them though

  5. I find it more enjoyable to be the survivor when running from Wesker's narrower dashes. In the PTB it was hard to juke the man out of a dash ever. Now, he's still very powerful and can create damage and pressure as fast or faster than a Nurse or Blight. I've noticed the sliding-against-the-wall bugs in my couple days of playing him, but they're not really game breaking, they're usually equivalent to artificially extending a chase by 5 seconds but only happen once or twice a trial. Dropping survivors mid-dash on elevation change is annoying, but I'm sure that'll graduate to a survivor tech and you'll just need to be conscious of what areas to avoid dashing towards, maybe it'll get fixed, maybe not, it's equivalent to a deathslinger being unable to down a survivor because they wedged themself in some map terrain.
    Getting soft locked at the exit gate sounds really annoying. I haven't had it happen to me yet, but if it only happens during the endgame collapse then I'm not too scared of it.

  6. Idk, this Wesker is obviously way better than the PTB one. But there have been moments where the power just goofs up
    For example, if you try to catch a window or pallet at an angle there is a 50/50 chance that instead of vaulting it he will do a full stop right in front of it and stand there looking confused.
    You can now slap survivors who vault if you dash into them, but the window to get that slap is so incredibly small.
    The collision is fine, but sometimes when you dash into an object you'll continue going around it. I had this happen when I dashed into a rock to reach the loop and I somehow curved around the rock when I should've done a full stop despite hitting it head on(no pun intended)
    The hitbox is better but it's too small imo as sometimes I either miss survivors by a hair or just go straight through them

  7. they need to fix his bugs and make his dash detect survivors better, right now it's 20 cm i think 30 cm would be perfect. In the ptb it was 40 or 45 i'm not sure

  8. My build will always have bamboozle as a base to add 3 perks to. For example you can lock down shack within 1 loop with it, as they can't reach pallet before you can dash on them. It is hilarious to see their puny little faces as they realize one of their strongest loops does not exist vs Wesker 😀 Shorter loops are such a huge weakness tho, no other way than to bruteforce those M1 killer style.

    I did use Jolt for a bit and was extremely useful on the 2 times I got meatplant, absolutely destroyed gens there. But it is also a counter intuitive perk as you go less for infections and more for M1 downs. So you kinda negate a bit of your power there. So I dropped it, now using SH:PR+DMS which works nicely most of the time.

    I played em upto P6 and I'm gonna wait for a patch now. It is so frustrating playing him with all these bugs. Not a single game goes by without them.

  9. 8:32 this bug is actually very dumb. Its happened to me about 5 times i think and ive grabbed people abput 15 times. So this happens even on same elevation. He just grabbes em and you can run them into a wall but instead of a slam you just drop them. Very frustraiting.

  10. I feel lucky af because I actually haven't been getting a lot of bugs or glitches and have been able to land most of my shots lol.

    When he first dropped i bought him and played for hours and only got bugs three times, one where he just froze moving forward when hitting the survivor and the other two where it registers as a hit and infects them but then just drops them without damaging them without even throwing them.

    Also I've seen some say he is bugged when vaulting pallets but i haven't noticed that, personally i just think there is a small period where you can't vault it right after they drop it so they have a very brief moment to keep running after the drop animation. I think they done that so you can't just insta vault for a free damage since they added in him damaging people too close after vaulting.


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