Boon Totems are already a Problem… ~Dead by Daylight~

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Of course they’d mess this up…

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50 thoughts on “Boon Totems are already a Problem… ~Dead by Daylight~”

  1. as I said boon totems are the selling point of incoming survivor therefore it wil be broken and of course new meta.. and its really great that survivor dont need to deal with shitty totem spawn rng.. therefore killer totem will be still broken within 1 min and survivor will remain until end of the match untouched.. killer just dont have a time to go around a map and snuffing all 4… and its super easy to predict what boons it will be.. increase helaing, gen repair, more speed, visibility of killer etc.. cant fucking wait with shitty mmr … fuck this game

  2. I'm a survivor main, and I say fuck the boon totems. We don't need more random-ass, buggy, unpolished, impossible-to-balance shit added to the game. I just want to be able to assign certain actions to keys without grouping together unrelated stuff so I can heal at a pallet without risking throwing down the pallet because my heal finished one pixel before I'd have to hit the skill check.

  3. How many damn perks can you have in a single game though? It has already passed the point of absurdity but they can't stop as they need to keep releasing DLC to bring in that tasty cash but the number of perks is already ridiculous

  4. I’ve heard zero positive feedback on breakable walls. Survivors say nothing because… they know and they don’t want to rock that boat. It was clear to me the first time I saw breakable walls…. Momentum killer and extra work for killer. This happened when I was only playing survivor. I hadn’t even tried killer yet. Who cried for these walls? I know of no one

  5. what if the boon totems took over a hex perk?(and keeping the hex active) that way it wouldn't take up totem spots, and it would the choice between having a good perk, or taking away the killer's hex.

  6. If I as Killler have to start cleansing survivor totems, I'm done, literally worst idea I've ever heard… when we say give survivors more to do… they give killers more to do? solid. bhvr.

  7. Imagine making content and living only of complaining about everything…
    If you don't like the current state of the game, stop playing and stop releasing videos on it.
    I've been following your channel for a while now but all I see are videos whining about the game and not really giving any suggestions on what should improve. Plus, I never see you compliment the good and balanced changes that are made (DS nerf, BT change, etc.)

  8. You are silly.

    The game is killer sided.
    Survivors already have two extra objectives:
    -archive missions that do not revolve around the objective and are high risk (pallet/flashlight stun killer, find glyphs, sabo hooks, search chests)
    While killer archive missions relate to their actual objective (hit survivor, hook survivor, chase survivor)
    -and of course hex totems which is also high risk (hex haunted ground) and time consuming (hex undying).

    These last two killers have been super op and pinhead brought on a (kind of) third objective with scourge hooks. Also his hex totem activates per survivor of criteria met, (which could counter boon totems if he activates each one before a survivor can create a boon totem) and they can only be cleansed by the survivor affected by it.

    My last favorite argument countering the killer biased is on the survivor 4 man escapes are supposed to be challenging just as getting a 4K on killer is supposed to be a challenge.

    Yet lately it seems that just surviving alone is challenging and most killers are getting 4K most of the time

  9. "We have heard you loud and clear about survivors needing another objective. With the next patch we are giving the killer another objective. " Yay. Guess this means every killer is trapper now and needs to fetch something in the middle of nowhere to be able to play.

  10. I honestly think it’s stupid even non gameplay wise. Killers are beings that kill over and over again and are powered through the entity. It makes sense that they can make sorts of curses to help them. But come on how is an everyday ordinary person going to summon a curse on a skull totem like bruh it doesn’t make sense

  11. I play both sides but recently have been playing more survivor and enjoying that more. The devs keep on giving me reasons not to play killer. I really hope they can do this boon totem thing right but I don't have a lot of faith in them lol.

  12. So what happens if you run a totem build with undying and literally take all the totems? Does the boon perk not effect? Are they going to have to add more full totems? Will they even take this into account? Adding these totems are literally just going to cause headaches and add waste even more time that the killer barely has.

  13. gay people: "Hey all the characters are heterosexual, yet you promised to include no sexual topics into the game or sexualise characters, will we be getting gay characters then?"
    BHVR: "We apologise, gay characters will follow, here, a flag emoticon for your hips."

  14. Tbh this not a so big problem, we know killers have many objectives but will be very easily to solve if they can carry with them 5, 6 or 7 slot perks, nowadays 4 perk slots are a problem because the game change every update and bring more challenges to both sides, specially to killers but trust in only 4 perks are a problem, and behavior aren't so stupid, soon or late they will see the negative feedback and will correct to the function of "activate totems by yourself" to be for killers too ( but i don't lie, I'm afraid Dead By Daylight become an Identity V 2 and became a game completely survivor sided and killers don't want to play anymore and the time for a match became 10 minutes )

  15. Funny thing is I’ve always thought that giving survivors a secondary objective would not only make survivor more interesting and fun, but killer less stressful.

    Then they give killer a second objective…

  16. God I miss the old Dead By Daylight so much, I had way more fun and I wasn’t constantly thinking about how scummy the developers are. I miss the old maps, character models, etc. At this point it’s not even the same game, it’s basically Dead By Daylight 2 at this point, except they took away the prequel.


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