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Sorry about all the negativity but I had to get this off my chest.
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So being a fog whispers results in practically nothing? Damn. I feel like for what dbd it’s lowkey unacceptable for them to talk to their community in such a way that’s so like uncaring/un willing to provide basic features oe just features that would increase enjoyability and their excuse is “we’re busy so nah” or “we’re not interested” so lame
I honestly don't believe that the Devs are not listening to Otz when he does these videos to suggest perk changes. He is a Fog whisperer and they should watch all his videos because in my opinion Otz knows the most about this game including everyone in the devs team. I remember being angry with you when you talked about nerfing survivor perks seeing as I'm survivor main but I was biased because I see you do suggest killers to be changed. People were asking all sort of questions and the Devs answered straight if they had even had this in mind. You are a pioneer and you just need to complain about it day in day out and they'll have no choice to listen to you. peace out <3
7:30 have to disagree with you and apparently the majority here. The reason I can't stand playing solo queue is because in my experience in DBD of over 1,200 hours of ~60/40 survivor/killer and only solo queue the MAJORITY of the survivors aren't really trying to win. They are dicking around with a friend or two or by their selves OR (and this is probably the biggest issue) they are completing a tome challenge and that is the only thing they are worried about. The DBD post is 100% correct in the fact that lack of information isn't the crux of the problem. There was a video Scott Jund did years ago talking about why he doesn't like going against SWFs and he states it's not because they have all the information in the world, it's because they are 4 people actively working together to win the game and that they are usually better than your average solo queue player. Go into a solo queue game and stare at the new HUD that shows how little your team is doing. Solo queue is awful because too many people aren't playing to win, they are playing for their self. All the information in the world isn't going to make that one player that I get in every single game start doing a generator.
Now, this might not be a full-on solution on offing yourself on hook to avoid a DC penalty, but it would be a good idea for starters to ask ourselves how often people use the "Take Chance to Unhook" thing to unhook themselves for gameplay reasons, and determine whether it's become obsolete for the current state of DBD.
I mean this in any situation other than those such as in the endgame or where everyone's being slugged for a 4K.
What would we think if they removed the base-kit option to unhook yourself anytime with a 4% chance, and reserved self-unhooks to Deliverance, the anti-camp mechanic, or situations where everyone is left unable to do anything in general? (i.e. All survs downed and/or hooked)
The last thing would still keep the 4% unhook chance to not be too unfair to the killer.
You deserve to chase your happiness man. You’re seriously one of the best CC’s I’ve ever come across, and I know your content will thrive when you’re doing what you love. That’s been clear for years.
I was just talking with some friends today about how we would love to play DBD together but don't have the money to buy much more than the base game, and feel that what the base game comes with isn't worth the investment, both in terms of content and fun, and especially with the lure of more content being constantly dangled in our faces. While it makes sense as a business model, it sucks that enjoying all the cool things the game has to offer requires an almost 400 dollar purchase.
I will never understand why BHVR doesn't listen and work together with their Fog Whisperers when it comes to updating Dead by Daylight. You guys have so much experience with the game and your input for possible improvements and changes is priceless. I can totally understand that you don't want to do those kinds of videos anymore. If I were BHVR I would have a meeting once a month with some of the Fog Whisperers (about 1-2hours in discord) where you discuss possible changes and additions to the game.
I absolutely love your other content Otz. The rare Darkest dungeon or Deceive streams are always such a treat.
I actually love when you branch out otz. Youre personality and gameplay is incredible nonmatter the game
It is time for a UI overhaul. They really need to hire a UI team. User experience is so low at the moment because the game still looks like something from 2016. I'd love to see UI changes as a priority.
im so sad about cross progression from ps4 to pc they wont let me switch
Get rid of the dc penalty in this party game, that would stop people from killing themselves on hook
its not fair
I remember a time when Otz was as optimistic about the direction of the game as I was. I felt for a long while that every year the game became better than it's previous form, even if it's in a slower pace than desired. I would like to say I'm still optimistic, but I pretty much left the game this year. I only returned for very short periods. The last time I felt really invested in the game was during the Knight chapter, which feels very long ago. It's part my personal life, part getting burnt out, but looking at the changes this game underwent in a year, I had to realize that this game basically didn't have any big refreshing changes since the hud changes. I guess it's easy to remain optimistic while not playing the game.
I still like Otz's DBD content, especially the challenge runs on stream (not really the youtube compilations from it, I'd rather watch all games back to back even if not all of them are interesting). Kinda bummed out he doesn't like doing them as much anymore, but it's completely understandable. I guess given the nature of Otz, it's a really bad omen when he becomes pessimistic about the direction. All we can hope is that we get back to at least 2020-2022 pace level of improvements. But this Q&A and the recently revealed roadmap really suggests otherwise.
Breaking news:
BHVR trying to strike down Mojang as most lazy dev team ever
Otz have you considered playing Lethal Company? Or something different like Deep Rock Galactic?
Please I beg of you, your mental health is more important.
damn behaviour did it they killed otz =(
I'm not a streamer and I get a lot of cheaters. There are a lot of people using walls. I can tell most of the time because i run a lot of aura and watch survivors perfectly mirroring movements on the other side of a wall that they can't see through. It's not just a streamer problem.
Sorry behavior is doing you dirty otz. Hopefully they can get it together but I've been saying that since the game came out but THIS time I'm feeling it for sure.
I understand not continuing the win streak, from my own experience playing as killer, I have not had a game since chucky released where a survivor team didnt bring at least one iri or very rare addon, and it is completely frustrating to play casually. I only consistently win if I play sweaty, and it doesn't feel fun to do.
Good vid Otz, thank you.
Otz, i don't know if you'll read this, but you helped me so much when i started playing dbd, and im sure im not the only one when i say id stick around for you whatever your content
I only recently picked up DBD without knowing anything about the background, devs, community nothing. I got… (for a lack of a better word) hooked instantly. But even I can tell how laughable this is. Not just the game aspect but how these devs are talking to the community. (I know very little about the nitty gritty balancing aspects etc) Very little passion is being shown which is unfortunate.
The Dead By Daylight team is aware of this issue, and we are looking into it, but we can't give any concrete details as of right now.
I'm glad he's finally investing less into dbd. The game has felt really crap for at least a few years , and though new killers and survivors are exciting they just invite worse balance. Otz (from personal experience) is genuinely so kind and thoughtful, the idea of him losing hope is heartbreaking, but I hope it lets him be more positive in his content for so many other deserving games
The easiest solution to prevent survivors from killing themselves on hook is to remove the ability to unhook yourself and no more skill check requirement for 2nd stage. Slippery Meat and Deliverance would have to be reworked, as well as the entire luck system, but I think it's worth it. The 4% chamce to unhook yourself introducing rng into the game which many players dislike.
BHVR: otz darva is not a fog creator anymore