#dbd #deadbydaylight #dbdkiller
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confused on like why survivors get a 4% like you just have a 4% to not lose when u already lost? and theres 4 of you so its basically a 16% chance of happening per game if everyone was downed and hooked 1st and tried to unhook. killer has nothing like that, like imagine after the survivors power the gate theres a 16% chance just to like close them again. lmao
I have found survivors in this game are toxic AF .. they leave u on hook and use bond to run killers into you and block you etc etc .. I love this game but hate the players 😂
I have been watching you since you were just a small time streamer, and it's awesome to see you surpass 100k now. I kept telling people that just doing what you do naturally would draw the audience in. Hope we can make some clips togetjer sometime when i finall start my twitch, even though im an old man now. 33 lol, keep at it Quiet, love your content
Hit these survivors doggystyle is insane works 😭
Genuine question not meant to sound passive aggressive, what about trapper makes you want to main him?
No perks is cringe
The skin I want to have the most is QuietKills'. I bet it smells like cinammon and ginger ale.
That Trapper skin goes hard.
Lis the op2 Me harp
do a no add on game on trapper but with perks
confused on like why survivors get a 4% like you just have a 4% to not lose when u already lost? and theres 4 of you so its basically a 16% chance of happening per game if everyone was downed and hooked 1st and tried to unhook. killer has nothing like that, like imagine after the survivors power the gate theres a 16% chance just to like close them again. lmao
You're actually inspiring me to be a trapper main. Peak shit here one of the only youtubers i watch man. Love your content.
the ghost world is ass for most m1 killers there are some broken loops there for sure
what you think about that new yeat album
LMAO that Nicholas at the end was hilarious
Quiet you need to do basement trapper
2:27 Most insane Dramaturgy tbh
“Perkless trapper” aka justifying early 3 gen/tunnel/proxy camp unskilled killer gameplay. Sorry bruh 😂
I have found survivors in this game are toxic AF .. they leave u on hook and use bond to run killers into you and block you etc etc .. I love this game but hate the players 😂
Maybe I should be a killer
Alpha trapper skin for an alpha trapper player
the 1v1 shack into the HUMP LOOOOL!!!!
16:18 😂
Oil up.
trapper busting backshots too many times this video I love to see it
I have been watching you since you were just a small time streamer, and it's awesome to see you surpass 100k now. I kept telling people that just doing what you do naturally would draw the audience in. Hope we can make some clips togetjer sometime when i finall start my twitch, even though im an old man now. 33 lol, keep at it Quiet, love your content
17:24 sounds like varsity747
Is there any discord server for QK community??
absolute W vid
Dead kitty says your garbage
I own this comment section now sinners