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Salty Survivor gets mad at his team and me! | Dead by Daylight
Hey all it’s PotatoBlight here I hope you’re well!
I bring you more spicy salt today!
Leon was being a big baby that his team were just playing for fun and the fact I slugged when I had every survivor nearby.
Gosh darn rulebook! I keep forgetting the BASIC RULES!
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As a Leon main I honestly feel embarrassed.
Saltly survivors are always losers they can't play a game without taking it serious its only a game calm down its not like you lost your job to someone who beat you in a a game
Potatoes taste better with salt
I was in that stream when his bonk emote first came out
Ah yes, survivor mains get mad at killer for doing what the killer is supposed to do lol. But the fact that he yelled at his teammates makes it even more confusing
As a Leon main I'm ashamed of this guy
Can yiu try bloodhunt it's ever popular give a go I think you well enjoy it
Hello Quentin's simp
Had an eerily similar guy get salty at a death slinger for slugging and then came to my profile to shout in my comments
Bit hook campish :
Newer to the game. So slugging is fine? Thought it was like a frowned upon thing in the game. That’s how it was explained to me when I did it as killer. The survs weren’t salty as I was new but now I’m unsure. Is it not bad like tunneling and camping?
I think it’s great how you play like that, to create “salt” at the end and give you content 😁
Wow he’s the one who should delete his game he wants to be rude to you and his teammates but yet he wasn’t very good at playing people like him needs to get a life lol
First hit Google gave me said ntgm stands for, "Needlework and Textile Guild of Michigan"
Guess the saltyboi was hardcore pro union. XD
smh leon would never
I dont understand when they say "youre too bad uninstall", so if someone is bad in a game you shouldnt play it? Lol
too much salt that made me came
Mans prob just grinding rank tho. Also solo q is never fun
I love playing dbd pretending I’m in a horror movie it makes it ten times more fun and less ragey 😂
ggs cuties
Every Irish man's worst nightmare: Potatoe Blight!
Ive been playing dbd and watching dbd for years and why had youtube only just now chosen bless me with this channel.
The fact that everyone else didn't give a damn makes this a million times funnier
The only time I got mad at another player was someone’s steam name was “I don’t want to play” and they did nothing but blow up a gen. But I wasn’t salty in chat, just said GG.
Quitin being like hi yt.. I was like lol ur a fan too. So cool.
"Quentin's simp"