PART 4 – 20 More Minutes of Streamers Suffering with MMR in Dead by Daylight | DBD

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DBD Streamers showing their overwhelming joy for the indefinitely added SBMM system

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Twitch/YouTube Streamer Links: (MrGimms)


38 thoughts on “PART 4 – 20 More Minutes of Streamers Suffering with MMR in Dead by Daylight | DBD”

  1. 11:30 i dont get this guy, first complains about the killer meta perks which is a must have at high ranks and he's rank 1, and then because his teammate makes a misplay he gives up at his first hook, if this guy doesn't just play exclusively survivor i'll be very surprised by his mentality

  2. I swear you’ve been my favorite channel since the first one of these you did showing the people what SBMM is really like it’s bad for survs and killers nobody asked for it but we’ll bhvr did it anyways big fu to the community love the content keep doing what your doing much love ❤️

  3. Angrypug complains about a pinhead bringing the best addon for him, while healing off that addon within 11 seconds with the best survivor item in the game. What a hypocrit dude

  4. Your videos are good but please don't include toxic streamers like angrypug. Watching him just a little also brings in a lot of negativity. And they don't even play good as well.

  5. Awwwww poor killers who got used to playing against mediocre survivors are now having to play survivors that are in their league. Easy wins are no more waaaaaaaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭 I am all for mmr. I enjoy the challenge of a good killer. And I know I won't win every match but that's okay. Quit crying. It's annoying.

  6. Man I hate survivors like in the first clip. It has nothing to do with their gameplay, but why tf do people find the need to be so toxic. I genuinely hate people that find enjoyment out of other people’s frustration and pain, which clearly these people did. Like why is that even necessary.

  7. Angrypug is the epitome of survivor mains, bitches about the killer perks, and I’m sure he usually only runs meta perks, and survivor mains are the only type of people that complain about winning in the game, they Gen rush? They cry cuz the match is boring, they go down after popping most gens and the killer camps? Give up cuz they aren’t having fun because of their actions, just honestly what a little bitch

  8. All of AngryPug is just dumb toxic survivor bullshit. Like dude, there's been 1-2 hooks and you've done one gen. Game is far from over. Quit you're god damn bitching you're running Adrenaline! You can't complain about Killers running sweaty shit when Survivors run every second chance perk in the game, on top of med kits+toolboxes, on top of map offerings that are busted. Fuck off.

  9. I never believe this stupid SBMM works as intended. I saw so many former rank 20s as my teammates, and I usually get sweaty swf teams despite rarely playing killers. I also had a game where 4 2000+ hrs survivors were matched against a 90 hrs killer. Devs really need to revise their matchmaking system.

  10. If any killer is mad because of pallets, just remember pretty much every killer in the game except Nurse and maybe Tier 1 Myers can outrun all survivors in the game except maybe Meg. Not to take into fact that most maps don't have that many pallets on them, sounds like they just need to get better at controlling loops, LMFAO!

  11. The only way to get rid of all this bs I think is to make survivors play killer and vice versa. Only when you get so experience the other side properly like me who plays both will you fix these whiny attitudes of "WAAAGHHH YOU USE X PERK" or "WAAAGHHH YOURE TRYING TO WIN THE GAME" I don't get mad if someone tunnels me. I either go "He's at 2 gens this is the best he's got" or "He shouldn't tunnel here he's gonna lose the game off it" and that's a way healthier attitude. I barely rage as a survivor and it really helps you understand and play the game better

  12. I love when everyone bitches about each other, tho there's no way to balance people wanting to have fun and being successful compared to sweats. I don't run meta perks often but I fight sweaty killers constantly unless you really think bond, spine chill, quick and quiet and head on is meta? Maybe I'll occasionally take quick and quiet and head on and run were gonna live forever and dead hard. But I don't mind that bringing one or two clutch perks and kinda two kinda silly perks. It's all about moderation and we can't be fun and successful and it's annoying. Also I mentioned my survivor perks but I've been playing alot of killer lately cause I finally wanna level up killer cause it's been fun.


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