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In this video I provide you with some Houndmaster gameplay against some rage quitters. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:
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I love that reasoning for slugging. They’re denying you your objective. Smart way of thinking about it
Ngl watchin someone else play Aunty helped me realize how im using Fido wrong in chase. Thanks for that
"Dumpster!!" 😂😂😂
Is she still disabled?
This is why I never use perks that rely on totems
I love to hear your commentary, its so chill and calming
You make my day a bit better with these vids appreciate ya
22:16 honestly valid crashout😂 cuz he has a point lf the killer knows how to count flashy saves just let it go atp instead of wasting time trying for it
Gotta love the Houndmaster calling Ace a hedge-born fool whilst killing him inside a hedge.
Wiggle progress should regress after some time. Like after the survivor has been on the ground for 30 seconds it should regress to prevent having to slug in situations like that first match.
I find if you drag your cursor from top down over an object (sort of like dropping your cursor over it if that makes more sense?) you're more likely to lock onto it while trying to get the search command to work
As a solo survivor main… when i see a dog biting a survivor and the survivor drag it to the pallets and keep changing direction waiting “because she is a 24/7 gamer 🤢” its absolutely ridiculous.. makes this killer underwhelming
They should add a timer, if you dont let go of the dog bite you should lose a health state …. THE IS A MUST
old video eh?
"Out of my sight! Thou doust infect mine eyes!"
Bro is playing with a controller better than most PC players. Respect.
Wow so now we have a killer that puts you in a lose lose as killer at least with victor you cant do anything trying to hold him hostage and you can recall him after some time. So the goal would be to take the dog grab and just hover over a pallet denying the hit and wasting so much of the killers time.
2v8 her and the twins would be pretty insane
I know as a main survivor tunneling can make the game not fun to play anymore. But you don't look and sound like a tunneler and I understand that it's a strat that sometimes has to be used when nothing else works.
Wheres the plague gameplays 😢 miss the constant plague
22:20 “DUMPSTER! 💅🏼” 😂
This video i noticed with the search, most of the time you didnt get it on the gen, so here's a quick tip from what ive learned from playing her:if you specifically have your finger point at the gen or gate when you're using search, it should target the gen or gate 90% of the time. if you didnt know that it should be useful for future matches with houndmaster^^