If "The Singularity" Leak Is True… – Dead by Daylight

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what would it do?


27 thoughts on “If "The Singularity" Leak Is True… – Dead by Daylight”

  1. What i think would be cool is if you could place a black hole somewhere on the map, and hold the power button to pull any survivor not doing an action (gen, totem, etc) towards it, but it gets weaker over time to prevent stuff like guarenteeing a kill on hook by sucking survivors away forever. It would be cool cause if you use it wrong you'd literally help the survivors, but if you use it right you could end chases fast, and potentially preassure all 4 survivors at once. Maybe thered be a secondary effect too for if survivors get sucked into the hole.

  2. Honestly, if we do get a blackhole themed killer, I hope it's not place item on ground, survivors leave loop. Instead I hope it's something like, place object on ground, and do funky movement tech like a blight/billy flick. Some sort of quick movement that rounds a corner fast or speeds you up in a very quick burst to catch survivors. I think that'd make for a much more interesting killer than anything else we've gotten between Wesker and now.

  3. The term singularity does not really have anything to do with Black Holes in particular. I think the term originated in mathematics where it describes a point at which a mathematical object is not well defined. The classical example is the point x=0 of the function f(x)=1/x.

    This is pretty much exactly the reason why the center of a black hole is called a singularity. In theory the matter of a black hole should collapse into a single point without volume. If you were to calculate its density you would need to divide the mass through the volume which does not exist (or is 0) so the density is not defined at that moment.
    Another reason to call the center of a black hole a singularity is that spacetime itself is not well defined at the center of black hole. So mathematical physics equations are not well defined at the center of a black hole and we call it a singularity.

    The term also has a couple completely different definitions.

  4. A singularity can also refer to an AI. Ultron Is a form of singularity as multiple robots arecall part of the one AI consciousness. They also assimilate others into themselves.

  5. Watch it's gonna be like one of those ratchet and clank weapons were. It's like a black hole weapon, That Sucks you towards the center.

  6. Could you imagine if they made the keys for the game instead You open a door like a portal from portals were moves you from one part of the map to another but only 1 time use.

  7. Aren't you literally just describing Freddy? Slows in loops and teleport for map control… I know BHVR is already well over the treshold of incompetence and idiocracy but… That would just be beyond retarded and a serious creative bankruptcy. So I'm gonna say no.

  8. Scott, I like when you talk about killer designs. Seeing which killers are well desinged and healthy for the game and which are worse because they leave no options for counterplay or/and are more boring.

    Would you consider doing a chill tier list video where you rank killers not based on their strength but on how well they are designed in your opinion? Would be a fun watch


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