The Skull Merchant Is Ruining Dead By Daylight

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34 thoughts on “The Skull Merchant Is Ruining Dead By Daylight”

  1. It’s currently 3:26 am and I couldn’t sleep, thank you for dropping skull merchant gameplay so I can fall asleep and skull merchant slander so I can have good dreams

  2. I use a Hex build on her and use the drones to defend my totems. Never place them close to a gen. Still get dcs at the start of the match but I don’t main any killer / side so it is what it is. The dbd community is very uncreative when it comes to builds and just wants to use the most broken stuff. If I realize no team wants to face me / my I playstyle I can adapt and should adapt at some point if I want to have real gameplay.

  3. Honestly I do enjoy playing her. She is one of my mains. Running either a all Hex set up or a nemesis & game afoot build. I think some of her hate is unjustified where a decent bit of people really haven’t given her a fair try and doing new plays. Also I love her sound design even though she doesn’t have any voicelines. That little laugh when you hit a survivor is MWAH chefs kiss!

  4. 3 chapters later. And people are still complaining about the most mid killer ever. She is not that bad just boring, you want the worst Nurse and Freddy are right there.

  5. I thought of something. What if she wasn't alerted when you disabled the drone? Like it stays floating as normal, it just stops working, and she only knows which drone was deactivated by manually attempting to reactivate each one and the one that was hacked just like makes an error beep and then she has to trek back and reactivate it. That would at least raise the skill floor of three gen strat a few inches.

  6. Here’s what I suggest:

    -The Skull Merchant
    Claw Traps lose charge only when being actively tracked.
    Skull Merchant is now a 110% movement speed killer (was 115%).
    Lose a drone for every dead survivor.

  7. Dull merchant main here (yeah fight me) and I'm so fucking depressed that most people play her in the worst way possible just because it's the most "efficient 🤓."

    Defending gens is not a bad thing by itself, but I enjoy using the drones to lock down strong loops, while using the radar for mind games. I also use chase heavy addons. The amount of people who have told me "that was my first fun SM game" is staggering.

    I understand I'm a fucking weirdo for enjoying her, but not all of us play her like "chess" I promise you. Otz had a great showcase video for SM on his channel somewhere.

  8. Hay I like the chase theme for skull merchant. Sound in general is one of the few thing's that actually work. Even if she does walking like an idiot.
    Still mad they made hunk look like he's taking a leisurely jog

  9. So I am new to this game, but I do have an idea for a potential rework. Instead of showing survivors in an area, how about showing survivors that fail a skill check? Like put it next to a generator, survivors go to the gen, nothing happens. But when the survivors fail a check they are shown. It could also make checks come up more often (as an addon) or even highlight lockers survivors use.

    The idea being she doesn't know where you are, but she knows that you did something.

  10. I agree with most of this take, but I disagree on Trapper and other trap characters "not taking brain power" or being boring to play against. For Trapper, keeping a keen eye on your environment as well as remembering where it's at can be fun and interesting. All subjective though. I think anti-loop via traps and things is nice because efficient survivors can make certain tiles unwinnable which can be boring for Killer side, and I think trap based characters can make you change how you'd normally play a bit more and add variety. Cool video though!

  11. My god it's a survivor main that has an opinion on SM lol she can be beaten just need a swift team to do it. Lol I love SM She's a good defense killer when it comes to Gen rushers.

  12. Both Skull Merchant and Sadako are aids and I hate going againts them, I feel like I literally cant do anything againts Skull Merchant because she's just gonna camp the gens with drones and Sadako will just condemnt anyone before you get enough gens done because she builds condemn way too fast even with that strategy of everyone holding a tape.
    You need to waste way too much time with the tvs in order to get enough pressure, not to mention her looping is a lot better now because of her not getting stunned anymore while demanifested.
    I tried all the tactics and if the survivors dont play perfectly and now where all tvs are at the start of the game, its gg, even if someone just spends the whole game doing tvs its still not enough.

  13. One way to rework her is to give her an extra drone but remove the exposed status effect,and instead she will just get info from the deployed drones.
    And give survivors more time to deactivate a drone before it detects you.
    This way the first survivor that stays in the radius of an active drone for too long will scream and reveal their location to the killer and have their aura revealed until the drone gets destroyed.
    And if someone deactivates a drone they just suffer from the same effect as they do now.


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