Houndmaster Might End Up With Lowest Pick Rate in Dead by Daylight

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High skill floor and a low reward is a recipe for low pick rate.


31 thoughts on “Houndmaster Might End Up With Lowest Pick Rate in Dead by Daylight”

  1. I only played like two matches of her (enough to get the adept), but man she does not feel good at all. Her power feels like it takes too long to ready up combined with a semi-sluggish extension so it feels like Survivors have plenty of reaction time, and the only way you can reliably get your dog to latch on is if you're in a long hallway or close enough to M1 anyway. Nevermind that the pathing is buggy, where you can stare directly at a generator and tilt 0.4 degrees to the left and stop locking onto the generator but if you send the dog in chase mode and there's a pallet in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, that's considered close enough to send the dog to vault instead of straight ahead. Ppl crap on houndsense but its at least it can give somewhat reliable information.

  2. I don't want to be that guy, but this killer feels like "representation" + a dog type of DLC. Not gonna scream woke or anything, but that's how I think about it. It's like they didn't want to sell you a good killer in the first place.

  3. I dont like Twins because their design is just ugly and I play Hag.
    Maybe if the just went and made Charlotte the mother and Victor a Baby it would have been better or just make them a full monster design instead.

  4. When I pull off a dash into a blind 180 as Wesker and I land it I get a health state (sometimes two) and an infection that applies passive slowdown in the match. When I get a dog dash into a blind 180 dog dash I get…a pallet drop. Oh wait I get nothing because the dog ran into a wall that it said it was going to run around. Or it ran past the window it said it was going to vault before vaulting it 2 seconds later. Or it wasn't anywhere close to me for some reason and attacked from a place in Egypt. Or when it caught them they fell off a 2 inch rock and they got let go instantly.

    Honestly, even with no cooldown this killer would be the most frustrating experience in the game. I don't know who this killer is for or how they're going to salvage her.

  5. It hurts to say, but I agree. I’d say the thing that currently hurts her the most is this slowness you get when you cancel the dog pounce. It has NO reason to be this punishing and just makes her feel extremely sluggish. Not to mention that I don’t see most killers with secondary attacks suffering the same fate.

  6. She doesn't need buffs. Other killers need nerfs.

    I play both sides equally – winning as a Survivor is impossible whereas getting a 4k on killer is super easy. I got Adept Houndmaster on my 1st game with her with 4 gens remaining.

  7. Icl for a pirate character it's a massive disappointment. They could've done something like a blunderbuss with a gold-based power-up system (just an idea) that would've been way more pirate-y and interesting. Instead, they give a pirate a dog.

  8. I have been playing her for many hours and here are my issues:
    -Search doing absolutely nothing in chase and just purely existing to get to gens quicker
    -Lèry's. Just all of Lèry's
    -the chase mode having a hitbox the size of a trickster knife

    She's honestly not all that bad, but has a very confusing learning curve and some seriously questionable quirks to get used to.

  9. I have less than zero interest in playing as or against the houndmaster. This wokism has gotten out of hand. Why we have a heavyset black woman with a pooch in with Michael Myers, Freddy and the Xenomorph is clearly only to appease the small and increasingly rejected mob.

  10. I played her 5 times to complete my Achievements on her and I will never play her ever again. Skill 100% / reward 0%. The dog f**ked me so many time that it feels like the dog helping more survivors then you. I never was so frustrated to play killer in this game.


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