How Chucky Could Fit in DbD – Dead by Daylight

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11 thoughts on “How Chucky Could Fit in DbD – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Lmao great video man! I love that you implemented my Little Dark magic idea in there! Also BHVR Better not add Manniquinnes cause Pyramid Head Is very…Playful..with Manniquinnes lol.

  2. nice vid, Chucky on stilts sounds majorly weird, but at least it tells me I'm not the only one who wants to see Chucky in DBD. Also, I think there is another survival horror game with Doll-master as the sole killer.

    edit: Doll-master is in VHS (Video Horror Society), a DBD clone.

  3. They should have Tiffany ( human body )and chucky be another duo killer like Tiffany can pick up survivors and break pallets and chucky can posses individual chucky dolls at a time so he can get around the map down survivors and Tiffany comes and pick them up to hook them


    Chucky uses the power of voodoo from Damballa to pick up or break pallets

    An idea I thought of don’t hate 😂

  4. Hey have you heard of Last Year Resurrection? It is a mod that fans develop to make the game run again maybe you should make a video about it still for DbD i hope that either Alien or Springtrap come in or something that would make me go crazy would be if DbD added a Wendigo. I would love if they brought in a wendigo and i could imagine cool mechanics like It can turn into players or better it would have a effect where survivors neeed to grab a medicine to make theyre sanity go up like if they dont take the medicine and a circle fills the survivors will ingure themselfes or other survivors close to them because of the Psychological and cannibalistic states of the wendigo making you crazy and eating yourself or others nearby.

  5. Hey Guys Big News the Laast Year the Nightmare game is getting back baby. The team Undeteurend or smt like that has bought the IP of Last Year. They want to make a F2P version to Steam or atleasst thats what this youtuber said( Youtuber is JaysOnlt). Im just so hyped for this and hope it wont die out like the OG


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