How Dead By Daylight Uses Human Chaos to Scare You | MindGames

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As a multiplayer horror title, Dead By Daylight relies on something unique to keep the game scary years after release–the unpredictable chaos of human nature.

We sat down with Dave Richard, Creative Director of Dead By Daylight, to discuss the psychology behind its twisted game of hide-and-seek, and how Behaviour Interactive hope to maintain the fear factor across thousands of matches.
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17 thoughts on “How Dead By Daylight Uses Human Chaos to Scare You | MindGames”

  1. 2:22 Yet another confirmation that looping isn't natural to DBD, yet people still measure their "skill" by how much exactly they can break the game with all the techs and other exploits, than how good you can hide against the killer…

  2. For me the game is scary when I Play against ghostface. If I can't hear the Killer, its absolut terror (and when your playing against a good ghostface, you will never see him coming). More then when they have…you know terror radius. Not to know where the killer is, if he is coming, is scary for me. Not because of the killer, but because I imagin that he could be behind every corner, or stalking me, and I dont know it.

    Sadly this is only for Ghost face, most of the time. Myers is only scary in indoor maps, Because you can see him from very far away. Pig dosn't put you in that much danger, even if she sneaks up at you. Dredge is okay, because in nightfall, you know it can see you, but you can't see it. But sadly the sounds it makes while walkinh are so loud, that you can hear it from miles away. Ironic, because you have a hard time hearing survivors yourself, because the screams in nightfall are..urg. They are very annoying.


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