How Do You Beat ALL THIS?! | Dead By Daylight

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39 thoughts on “How Do You Beat ALL THIS?! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. The problem of these matches is that devs only look at the end result. You will get 4 kills and they will say that the perks they've used, toolboxes and brand new parts are bad.

  2. This people will abuse anything they can to win, even exploting a bug… and still lost. How pathetic is that.
    Next time they may be using hacks to win.

  3. There is going to be more bad news since with Rebecca new perk is not nerfed yet gens will fly in 40 seconds Instead of 90 you gonna need to run dead lock alot

  4. Some twats tried to bully me on Ormond, in endgame I told them "dont dish it if you cant take it" after playing like a complete dick, tunneling, slugging, camping. Eye for an eye

  5. Dwighty boy genuinely believes there was any other way to beat them.

    Even if you played perfectly and abided by their survivor rule book, you would have gotten destroyed.

    Honestly, you got lucky with having Deadlock! Big GG.

  6. i had a kate that was terrible at chases msg me after the game saying that they all reported me in game and on psn for..beating them ig? i didn’t tunnel, i didn’t camp, i went for 12 hooks, i was playing blight but i had no gen regression or meta addons/perks. so just an angry kid ig?

  7. See…what BHVR doesn't seem to understand is that camping and tunneling are responses to the fact that the 12-hook strategy is not reasonable in upper tiers. Rather than build in all these anti-camp/anti-tunnel buffs to Survivors, they need to address the core problem that Survivors are allowed far too many mistakes and allowed to waste far too much time and still get away with it. Especially in light of all the recent gen-defense nerfs, eliminating a player is by far the most effective, reliable way to keep the gens under control long enough for the Killer to have a chance.

  8. Great gameplay!

    As a survivor main, I agree that Prove, Toolboxes and brand new parts need a nerf.

    Repair Toolboxes would have half the charges and repair speed.

    Prove would only provide 10% speed to yourself, and not to other teammates.

    As a matter of fact, all items need a nerf: You cannot equip add-ons of a higher rarity than the rarity of the item.

    This would mean an iridescent type of each item would be added, but would be consumed when using an iridescent add-on.

    My nerf to Brand new part would be to consume the toolbox and only provide 10% progress after 1 hard skill check.

    The iridescent version of medkits would have 3 heals at 50% speed and would increase self healing speed by 50%.

    The iridescent version of flashlights would last 15 seconds and have no decrease to accuracy.

    The iridescent flashlight addons would be an iridescent battery that adds 8 seconds of use and the iridescent bulb would add a deafen efffect to blinds, but would increase the battery consumption by 50%.

    Medkits should also have no way to allow you to heal yourself without having self care equipped and should be limited only to the new iridescent medkit and you would heal at 75% of the normal speed. So the 50% speed would be 1.125 charges per second (so 14.23 seconds for a full heal).

    Built to last should also just refill the item once at 100% after hiding in the lower for 30 seconds straight.

    Maybe even add an additional step before repairing generators. Like find a chest, open it in 10 seconds, pick up an item then go back and place it in the gen over 10 seconds to start repairing it (maybe the things that move as the gen progresses?). If you stop or get interrupted, the progress resets. That would make gens + exit gates take 5 minutes instead of 4.

    This should balance the game some more. What do you think?

  9. this is the sort of people that ruin the game. You have alredy communication on 3rd divice party why dou you need to have every other single advantage? Then they are the same sort of people that run to steam discussions and start a thread about the increased camping/tunneling.


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