HOW EASY DO YOU WANT THIS | Dead by Daylight

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The confusing side to this game, is they play like this and then wonder why the game was super hard. How much of a blind eye do they want klllers to have?

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


27 thoughts on “HOW EASY DO YOU WANT THIS | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I dont understand why survivors expect killers to make it easy your job is too escape my job is to kill you its not that complicated. Now for the survivors who are nice and take there wins and losses well I respect you but your overshadowed by the entitled ones.

  2. i see alot of different builds on ghostface but i have some questions like:
    (you have it here) is nurse's really good without sloppy? and how good is PWYF and Lethal on him?

  3. I actually tried explaining to 2 survivors that there is no such thing as tunneling early game because if my first hook is you and 3 gens pop, then it's mid/late game. You need to be dead. The way I play is a game of exchange. If 3 gens are gone then someone should be dead

  4. Yup it's exactly as Jay put it. He did the logical thing, defended his hook while 2 survivors were in his face. If they were sneakier about it they might've got the unhook much earlier while he went to patrol the gens.

  5. I think everyone just needs to acknowledge that DbD is a flawed game on a fundamental design level and move on. Camping and tunneling will ALWAYS be the strongest tools in a killer's arsenal if they want to make the match significantly easier on themselves and to dramatically increase their chances of winning.

    Survivors like to bring the same 4 perks because they know it will dramatically increase THEIR chances of winning.

    DbD is not balanced. DbD is not a fair game. Just the way it is. Behavior is neither inclined or talented enough to MAKE DbD a perfectly fair, balanced experience for both sides. Once killer and especially survivor mains realize that we will all be much happier.

  6. There's some weird Survivor Rulebook page around every Survivor should be running towards the hooked person when there are no partial/full SWF comms or any Kindred. I get complained about not following this rule in ps5 messages like once every two months or so. So I get kinda forced into running either Kindred, or following the dumb and inefficient Survivor Rule.

    Glad to see this squad followed that rule, because it gave MFJ a rather relaxed and easy win. My Ghostface Main wins those kinds of matches like 90% of the time too.

  7. Side-note I honestly see a lot of camp killers lately that playing on more fun builds gets punished. So forced to bring DS & Unbreakable with you or BT and Circle of Healing. I want a casual mode so bad that I don't feel so regretful at the end of the match.

  8. I’m a huge survivor main… played killer a handful of times been thinking about playing the killer role more though recently because survivor gets boring after awhile and repetitive. I really like the way you explained the chase here. If they’re not doing their objectives there’s no point to chase. It’s simple and logical. The last time I played killer I got thousand hour survivors on my 5th match as playing trapper and got absolutely destroyed. Probably because I was looking at it from a survivor point of view and chasing the ppl that wanted a chase. Kind of crazy I’m in high MMR survivor on the daily but soon as I get a little taste of it I get destroyed as killer lol

  9. Logic doesn't apply to the game. It's not real life 😒 this isn't eSports games hate baby killers complaining to develop team though 👀. Left this game long ago because it is logic

  10. It should be obvious by now survivor mains want the killer to pick a corner of their choosing and go there and face the wall the entire game. Call it a 5 gen time out and then you can come out.


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